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Ki energy flows within the body, and this flow can be enhanced by physical contact with objects whose ki energy has been aligned to one of the seven chakras. While any object can be aligned, gemstones hold ki energy well and are easily aligned to a chakra, making them the preferred material for ki enhancement. Jewelers cut gems to produce this effect. These gems are commonly called keystones to differentiate them from ordinary gems

Aligning keystones

a burning crystal with a heart base Each chakra can only be enhanced by one keystone at a time, and the keystone must be aligned to the chakra in order to provide the benefit. A keystone must be worn close to the body for at least 30 seconds before its benefits are activated. If the stone is removed or replaced, the benefits will fade after 30 seconds. If a stone is worn with an alignment to a chakra which is already activated, there is no effect. After aligning a keystone, you instinctively understand its function

Aligning a keystone to a chakra makes it immune to attempted ki bindings on the gem or stone itself, as the items ki is already actively bound. Keystones that are not aligned may be affected by bindings appropriate for their material. For gemstones, the appropriate binding is earth

Keystones can be placed in any item as long as they are worn close to the body. Some adventurers will place all of their stones in belts specially designed to hold the stones, with slots to hold the stones close to the skin. Keystones may also be worn in necklaces, rings, or even in clothing or shoes

These keystones can also be placed into weapons, providing the same benefits provided the weapon is held in the hand or worn on the body when not in use. Some effects are specifically meant to be placed in weapons and convey certain effects when successfully striking an opponent or ally

Not all gems and stones are well suited for alignment to the different chakras. Similarly, each type of stone is well suited to producing specific effects. Jewelers take this into consideration when choosing which combinations of effects and chakra alignments to instill in their creations. The tables below outline which combinations you can expect to find in your adventures

When a keystone is destroyed, its benefits immediately cease

a brilliant glowing diamond


Keystones have various attributes based on the cut of the gem. A jeweler cuts the gem to create a facet, instilling the desired attribute in the gem. A keystone can have up to six facets, and thus up to six attributes. Some attributes require multiple facets to produce their effect

You have an Amber gem which you align to your Lotus chakra. You select the Blurring Speed attribute which requires two facets. You then select Tough Hide which requires one facet. You select this attribute four times to reduce incoming damage by 12 points. Selecting this attribute four times requires four facets. You have now cut all six facets of the Amber gem and can place no additional attributes on the gem

Creatures may receive the benefit of an attribute from multiple keystones, though the total power of an attribute may never exceed six facets

You have an Amber and Topaz keystone, each which have Dexterous 2 on them which gives a +2 to your dexterity score. You align the Amber gem to your navel chakra and the Topaz gem to your lotus chakra, but the total benefit is still +3 dexterity, since the Dextrous attribute costs 2 facets and the cap is 6 facets

The table below outlines the average rate for keystones when they are cut from gemstone. When keystones are made from other materials, the cost increases by 10%-30%, depending on the value of the original material and how different it is from a gemstone


Damaging keystones

Keystones embedded within other items take no damage from attacks targeting the outer item. The keystone itself can be the target of an attack, in which case it takes full damage regardless of surrounding material. If an enclosing item is destroyed, a keystone ceases to be aligned to its wearer, but may be realigned immediately. Keystones have 120 hit points

a glowing jade statue

Binding stones

Binding stones are a particular cut of keystone which function completely differently from normal keystones. Binding stones allow an experienced ki user to automate and repeat a binding without the continued focus normally required. For each facet, the stone can store enough energy to maintain an average binding for about an hour. This energy must be provided by a creature capable of binding the corresponding element, and requires 1 minute per hour of energy stored. The stone can be cut to trigger a binding given simple conditions (below), though the stone has to be specifically cut to an exact condition. The binding is set by being performed once

Possible Conditions

  • Surrounding temperature changes
  • An exact temperature is reached
  • Timed delay
  • Timed pulse
  • Force vector is applied to the stone
  • Touched by a living creature
  • Hit by sunlight, moonlight, or starlight
  • Light hitting the stone is removed
  • Attempted ki binding on the stone
  • Ki binding on the stone is released


The following table lists which gems can be aligned to the different chakras. Primary keystones are most often used for a single chakra, while secondary gems are flexible and can be aligned to several chakras


The following list gives details about each attributes, its required facets, and the gems to which it can be added


The stone stores up ki energy which can be released in quick bursts
Benefit: Store 1 swift action per day. You may use this action in addition to your normal actions in a round. Additional facets add to the number of actions you may store
Special: You may only use one stored action per round, which also applies to Greater Action and Coursing River
Required Facets: 1
Compatible Gems: Amber, Amethyst, Ametrine, Andesine, Citrine, Garnet, Jade, Lapiz Lazuli, Malachite, Melanite, Pearl, Periodot, Sunstone, Tiger's Eye, Turquoise
Compatible Meta-gems: None
Compatible Chakras: All

Action, greater

Now with 3x the action
Benefit: Store 1 standard action per day. You may use this action in addition to your normal actions in a round
Special: You may only use one stored action per round, which also applies to Action and Coursing River
Required Facets: 3
Compatible Gems: Amethyst, Ametrine, Diamond, Emerald, Jade, Malachite, Melanite, Pearl, Periodot, Sapphire
Compatible Meta-gems: Beryl, Jasper, Opal, Quartz
Compatible Chakras: All

Astral energy

Stores starlight for use with Astral Field
Benefit: Store energy in this keystone to draw on for use with Astral Field
Special: To store the energy, touch the keystone and spend a full action. This draws the energy from your body, storing in the keystone. The energy is enough for one use of Astral Field, and drains the user of the energy
Required Facets: 2
Compatible Gems: Diamond, Pearl
Compatible Meta-gems: Quartz
Compatible Chakras: All

Astral knot

A mysterious connection over a great chasm
Benefit: Two such stones can be aligned and users may speak short messages of 30 words instantly to the other stone, regardless of the distance between the stones
Special: The verbal message emanates from the stone directly after being received. This cut is very difficult to produce, making the stones expensive to aquire. Stones may be realigned, severing the original link. Commonly referred to as “knot stones”
Required Facets: 6
Compatible Gems: Diamond, Melanite, Pearl
Compatible Meta-gems: None
Compatible Chakras: Lotus

Balanced ki

Evens your ki flow, allowing it to recover from deep drains more easily
Benefit: Once per day, you may reduce a cooldown by 1 round. Multiple bonuses increase the round reduction, but do not grant more uses per day
Required Facets: 1
Compatible Gems: Amethyst, Ametrine, Jade, Lapiz Lazuli, Malachite, Melanite, Pearl, Periodot, Turquoise
Compatible Meta-gems: Beryl, Jasper, Opal, Quartz
Compatible Chakras: All

Blurred bindings

Clears your minor ki lines, allowing your bindings to move quickly
Benefit: Improves the speed of all your bindings by 1H
Required Facets: 1
Compatible Gems: None
Compatible Meta-gems: Agate, Coral, Jasper, Quartz
Compatible Chakras: Crown, Throat, Heart, Navel, Sacral, Root

Blurring speed

Shifts your ki allowing you to move quickly
Benefit: Increases your base movement speed by 5 feet
Required Facets: 2
Compatible Gems: Amber, Citrine, Emerald, Jade, Malachite, Periodot, Topaz
Compatible Meta-gems: Beryl, Jasper, Opal, Quartz
Compatible Chakras: All


Benefit: Your movement speed when swimming is increased by 5 feet
Required Facets: 2
Compatible Gems: Aquamarine, Carnelian, Lapiz Lazuli, Sapphire, Sunstone, Tiger's Eye, Turquoise
Compatible Meta-gems: Agate, Beryl, Coral, Opal, Quartz
Compatible Chakras: All


Madness is like gravity, all it takes is a little push
Benefit: Once per day, you may reroll a dice roll. You must decide to reroll before the results of the roll are known, if possible. You must accept the results of the reroll, unless you are willing to spend another use of Chaos
Required Facets: 2
Compatible Gems: Aquamarine, Carnelian, Diamond, Emerald, Ruby, Sapphire, Topaz
Compatible Meta-gems: Agate, Beryl, Coral, Jasper, Opal, Quartz
Compatible Chakras: All

Coursing river

Tranquil as a forest, mysterious as the darkside of the moon
Benefit: Store 1 move action per day. You may use this action in addition to your normal actions in a round. Additional facets add to the number of actions you may store
Special: You cannot spend more than one stored action per round, which applies to Action and Greater Action
Required Facets: 2
Compatible Gems: Amber, Andesine, Carnelian, Citrine, Garnet, Sunstone, Tiger's Eye, Topaz
Compatible Meta-gems: Agate, Coral, Jasper, Quartz
Compatible Chakras: All


Directs the flow of ki to enhance eyesight
Benefit: Grants the wearer Darkvision, 30 feet. Multiple bonuses extend the range
Required Facets: 2
Compatible Gems: Aquamarine, Lapiz Lazuli, Melanite, Obsidian, Turquiose
Compatible Meta-gems: None
Compatible Chakras: Lotus, Throat


It's harder to hit a moving target
Benefit: Your movement speed when using the Dodge action is increased by 1H
Required Facets: 2
Compatible Gems: Andesine, Garnet, Ruby
Compatible Meta-gems: Agate, Coral, Quartz
Compatible Chakras: All

Death ward

There is only one god
Benefit: In the moment that you would die, you gain 18d6 healing instead
Special: Replenishing the stone requires one hour of focused effort. Healing occurs in the second before you would die, not when you gain the dying condition
Required Facets: 5
Compatible Gems: Andesine, Garnet, Obsidian, Ruby
Compatible Meta-gems: None
Compatible Chakras: Lotus, Root


The ki energy stored in the stone bolsters your tenacity
Benefit: Grants a 1d6 bonus to defensive Resolve Checks and +2d6 bonus to your defense against Disarm checks. Conditions that would cause you to drop your weapon do not cause you to drop your weapon.
Required Facets: 3
Compatible Gems: Amber, Citrine, Emerald, Jade, Malachite, Periodot, Topaz
Compatible Meta-gems: Agate, Coral, Jasper, Quartz
Compatible Chakras: Crown, Throat, Heart, Navel, Sacral, Root


Coordinates your ki granting you superior dexterity
Benefit: You gain a +1 bonus to your Dexterity score
Required Facets: 2
Compatible Gems: Emerald, Jade, Malachite, Periodot
Compatible Meta-gems: None
Compatible Chakras: Lotus, Heart


Go go gadget keystone!
Benefit: Once per day, you may increase the range or area of effect of any talent by 5 feet
Required Facets: 2
Compatible Gems: None
Compatible Meta-gems: Quartz
Compatible Chakras: Crown, Throat, Heart, Navel, Sacral, Root


Strengthens your tether to the subtle body, causing your body to grow lighter
Benefit: You gain a 2d6 bonus to Jump(distance) and flying checks
Required Facets: 1
Compatible Gems: Amethyst, Ametrine, Andesine, Citrine, Jade, Lapiz Lazuli, Malachite, Periodot, Sunstone, Tiger's Eye, Turquoise
Compatible Meta-gems: Agate, Beryl, Coral, Jasper, Opal, Quartz
Compatible Chakras: Crown, Throat, Heart, Navel, Sacral, Root

Fierce aura

Strengthens your ki aura
Benefit: Grants a 1d6 bonus to the Ability Check of Ki Aura
Required Facets: 2
Compatible Gems: Amber, Citrine, Diamond, Emerald, Jade, Malachite, Melanite, Obsidian, Pearl, Periodot, Topaz
Compatible Meta-gems: None
Compatible Chakras: Lotus, Heart, Navel


Targeta de flash… *flips card*… damnit
Benefit: Your movement speed when using the Dash action is increased by 1H
Required Facets: 2
Compatible Gems: Amethyst, Ametrine, Sapphire
Compatible Meta-gems: Beryl, Opal, Quartz
Compatible Chakras: All


Stores and releases great amounts of raw ki energy in one burst
Benefit: Increases the number of units granted by your Earthen Sigil by 5
Required Facets: 1
Compatible Gems: Amber, Andesine, Carnelian, Citrine, Garnet, Sunstone, Tiger's Eye, Topaz
Compatible Meta-gems: Agate, Coral, Jasper, Quartz
Compatible Chakras: Crown, Throat, Heart, Navel, Sacral, Root

Iron chakra

Unfaltering, unwavering, unphased
Benefit: The aligned chakra cannot be blocked while the keystone is active
Special: With this protection in place, a creature cannot be ki blocked as a result of having 7 blocked chakras, but can become ki blocked by other means
Required Facets: 1
Compatible Gems: Amber, Amethyst, Ametrine, Andesine, Citrine, Garnet, Jade, Lapiz Lazuli, Malachite, Melanite, Pearl, Periodot, Sunstone, Tiger's Eye, Turquoise
Compatible Meta-gems: None
Compatible Chakras: All

Iron will

Hardens your ki, fueling your determination
Benefit: You gain a +1 bonus to your Resolve score
Required Facets: 2
Compatible Gems: Amber, Citrine, Topaz
Compatible Meta-gems: None
Compatible Chakras: Lotus, Navel

Ki drain

Your attacks siphon ki energy
Requires: Ki Pool class feature
Benefit: When you successfully hit an opponent with an attack in which you physically touch your opponent, you take a portion of their ki energy, regaining 1 point in your ki pool. If the target has a Ki Pool you must make a Resolve vs Resolve Ability Check to steal their Ki
Required Facets: 4
Compatible Gems: Obsidian
Compatible Meta-gems: Beryl, Opal, Quartz
Compatible Chakras: All


Transforms small amounts of ki energy into physical light
Benefit: The object in which this gem is set glows with a soft light roughly equal to a lantern, though evenly distributed. Raises the light level by 1 within 30 feet. As a swift action you may touch the item, gathering the light into a small orb which floats above your hand. If you release the orb the light returns to the object. The light may be extinguished as a free action by exerting your will
Required Facets: 1
Compatible Gems: Aquamarine, Diamond, Lapiz Lazuli, Pearl, Turquoise
Compatible Meta-gems: Beryl, Opal, Quartz
Compatible Chakras: All


Fortune seems to follow you wherever you go
Benefit: Up to three times per day, you may take advantage on a dice roll (except damage rolls). Alternatively, you may spend one of your uses to reroll all dice come up as a “1”. You may not use Luck more than once in a segment. This item attribute does not stack with the benefits of the feat Luck
Required Facets: 3
Compatible Gems: Amber, Andesine, Carnelian, Citrine, Garnet, Sunstone, Tiger's Eye, Topaz
Compatible Meta-gems: Agate, Coral, Jasper, Quartz
Compatible Chakras: Crown, Throat, Heart, Navel, Sacral, Root


Show me
Benefit: Stores the memories and knowledge of the user that pertain to a particular subject, granting a 12d6 Recall knowledge bonus for recalling knowledge on the subject
Special: When the keystone is aligned to a new person, they may add their knowledge to the subject provided that the subject does not change. This does not increase the bonus but does change the difficulty of the recall check if sufficient information has been stored in the keystone. If the subject is changed, all previous knowledge in the matrix is overwritten. Each facet may contain a different knowledge subject. The more specific the subject, the more detailed the information can be, including visual, auditory, and emotional memories
Required Facets: 1
Compatible Gems: Melanite
Compatible Meta-gems: Quartz
Compatible Chakras: All


Kid tested
Benefit: Gain a 1d6 bonus to Ability Checks for one day
Special: This keystone must be realigned once a day. At that time, choose which ability the bonus will apply to. Once chosen, the ability cannot be changed until the following day
Required Facets: 3
Compatible Gems: Amber, Amethyst, Ametrine, Andesine, Citrine, Garnet, Jade, Malachite, Periodot
Compatible Meta-gems: Agate, Beryl, Coral, Jasper, Opal, Quartz
Compatible Chakras: Crown, Throat, Heart, Navel, Sacral, Root

Obsidian ki

Like the rose
Benefit: Attacks that attempt to siphon ki energy from you cause a loss of ki equal to the amount they attempted to take from you, and you suffer no negative effects
Required Facets: 2
Compatible Gems: Obsidian Ki
Compatible Meta-gems: None
Compatible Chakras: Lotus

Pocket healing

You're never going to break me
Benefit: Stores ki energy that you can use once per day to heal your wounds
Special: Additional facets add 1d6 of additional healing but do not increase the uses per day
Required Facets: 1
Compatible Gems: Amber, Amethyst, Garnet, Jade, Lapiz Lazuli, Melanite, Periodot; Sunstone
Compatible Meta-gems: None
Compatible Chakras: All

Power overwhelming

Leverages your ki to increase your overall strength
Benefit: You gain a +1 bonus to your Strength score
Required Facets: 2
Compatible Gems: Andesine, Garnet, Ruby
Compatible Meta-gems: None
Compatible Chakras: Lotus, Root

Power surge

It prevents power surges?
Benefit: Stores ki energy that can be used once a day to add 1d6 damage to an action that has a damage component
Special: Additional facets add 1d6 of additional damage but do not increase the uses per day
Required Facets: 1
green and yellow Compatible Gems: Amber, Carnelian, Citrine, Sunstone, Tiger's Eye, Topaz
Compatible Meta-gems: None
Compatible Chakras: Lotus, Navel, Sacral


Sharpens your ki energy, allowing you to act quickly
Benefit: You gain a 1d6 bonus to your initiative
Required Facets: 1
Compatible Gems: Amethyst, Ametrine, Aquamarine, Diamond, Emerald, Jade, Lapiz Lazuli, Malachite, Periodot, Sapphire, Turquoise
Compatible Meta-gems: Beryl, Opal, Quartz
Compatible Chakras: All

Raven's eye

Badb sees all within her borders
Requires: Transcend feat
Benefit: Stores one use of Transcend
Required Facets: 2
Compatible Gems: Diamond, Pearl, Melanite, Obsidian
Compatible Meta-gems: None
Compatible Chakras: Lotus


Extends your ki aura, connecting it to those around you, increasing your awareness of incoming danger
Benefit: Add a 1d6 bonus to your Reaction
Required Facets: 1
Compatible Gems: Amethyst, Ametrine, Andesine, Garnet, Ruby, Sapphire
Compatible Meta-gems: None
Compatible Chakras: Lotus, Crown, Root

Reject poison

Enables you to transform your ki energy to contain poisons, making it easier to defend against their effects
Benefit: Adds a 1d6 bonus to Ability Checks made against poison
Required Facets: 2
Compatible Gems: Amber, Amethyst, Aquamarine, Citrine, Emerald, Ruby, Topaz
Compatible Meta-gems: None
Compatible Chakras: Lotus, Crown, Throat, Heart, Navel, Root


You infuse your ki into the stone for later use
Requires: Ki Pool class feature
Benefit: As a standard action, you may store a ki point in the gem by expending 1 ki point. The gem can hold 1 ki point per facet. Returning the ki to your ki pool requires a swift action
Required Facets: 1
Compatible Gems: None
Compatible Meta-gems: Beryl, Opal, Quartz
Compatible Chakras: Crown, Throat, Heart, Navel, Sacral, Root

Shadowed crane

A hidden crane calls out, its children call back
Benefit: You gain a 1d6 bonus to all Maneuvers
Required Facets: 2
Compatible Gems: Amethyst, Jade, Sunstone, Turquoise
Compatible Meta-gems: None
Compatible Chakras: Crown, Throat, Heart, Root

Sharp mind

Strengthens your ki tether, improving your intellect
Benefit: You gain a +1 bonus to your Intelligence score
Required Facets: 2
Compatible Gems: Amethyst, Lapis Lazuli; Sapphire
Compatible Meta-gems: None
Compatible Chakras: Lotus, Crown


You've played the fool all along
Benefit: Upon death, the consciousness of the creature aligned to this stone will enter the stone. Once a stone has absorbed a creature's consciousness, it can be aligned to a new creature's chakra, allowing the stored mind and the aligned creature to communicate telepathically. The stored mind shares all the senses of the living creature. If a creature dies while aligned to an inhabited stone, the stored mind is lost and replaced by the mind of the dying creature
Required Facets: 6
Compatible Gems: Obsidian
Compatible Meta-gems: None
Compatible Chakras: Lotus


You use your ki energy to redirect the flow of blood in your body, stopping a wound from bleeding
Benefit: Once per day as a swift action, you may stop the bleeding from your wounds by touching this gem. Each additional facet increases the uses per day by 1
Required Facets: 1
Compatible Gems: None
Compatible Meta-gems: Agate, Beryl, Coral, Jasper, Opal, Quartz
Compatible Chakras: Crown, Throat, Heart, Navel, Sacral, Root


Shifts your ki energy to improve focus and coordination
Benefit: Grants a 1d6 bonus offensive or defensive hit formulas. When the user attunes to the keystone, they choose whether to apply the bonus to offensive or defensive formulas
Required Facets: 2
Compatible Gems: Amethyst, Ametrine, Emerald, Jade, Malachite, Periodot, Sapphire
Compatible Meta-gems: None
Compatible Chakras: Lotus, Crown, Heart

Tough hide

You lace your ki energy throughout your body to dampen the effects of incoming blows
Benefit: When you suffer damage from an incoming attack, it is reduced by 3 points
Required Facets: 2
Compatible Gems: Andesine, Aquamarine, Garnet, Lapiz Lazuli, Ruby, Turquoise
Compatible Meta-gems: None
Compatible Chakras: Lotus, Throat, Root

Transcendent ki

Separates your ki bindings from the movements of your body
Benefit: Your ki bindings do not require movements in your body, removing any limb requirements
Required Facets: 2
Compatible Gems: None
Compatible Meta-gems: Agate, Coral, Jasper, Quartz
Compatible Chakras: Crown, Throat, Heart, Navel, Sacral, Root


Blocks the ki lines to the eyes completely, diverting them to the lotus chakra
Benefit: Once per day, the wearer may activate Truesight for 3 rounds
Required Facets: 3
Compatible Gems: Pearl, Melanite
Compatible Meta-gems: None
Compatible Chakras: Lotus

Truesight, greater

Gently wears down stone, Moving through every corner, Difficult to grasp
Benefit: Once per hour, the wearer may activate Truesight for 6 rounds
Required Facets: 5
Compatible Gems: Diamond, Obsidian
Compatible Meta-gems: None
Compatible Chakras: Lotus


Connects you to the subtleties of your ki flow, allowing you to easily spot disturbances in another's ki flow
Benefit: Gain a 4d6 bonus to Sense Motive for determining if someone is telling the truth
Required Facets: 2
Compatible Gems: Aquamarine, Lapiz Lazuli, Turquoise
Compatible Meta-gems: None
Compatible Chakras: Lotus, Throat


I want you to listen
Benefit: Once per day, you may reduce a cooldown by 1 round
Required Facets: 2
Compatible Gems: Carnelian, Sunstone, Tiger's Eye
Compatible Meta-gems: None
Compatible Chakras: Lotus, Sacral

Unstable ki

An erratic surge of ki can yield unexpected results
Benefit: Once per day, you may reduce a cooldown by 1 round
Required Facets: 2
Compatible Gems: Amber, Andesine, Citrine, Garnet, Sunstone, Tiger's Eye
Compatible Meta-gems: Agate, Coral, Jasper, Quartz
Compatible Chakras: Crown, Throat, Heart, Navel, Sacral, Root


Tether a portion of your existence to the physical plane
Benefit: Once per day you may leave a portion of your consciousness at your current location. For the next 24 hours, you can hear what happens at that location as if you were there, regardless of how far from that location you bring your physical body. You may only have one ward active at a time. Adding this attribute to a gem multiple times increases the uses per day by one each time it is selected
Required Facets: 1
Compatible Gems: Aquamarine, Lapiz Lazuli, Turquoise
Compatible Meta-gems: None
Compatible Chakras: Lotus, Throat


The less said, the sooner i'll drop off, if you take my meaning
Benefit: When activated, it awakens the wearer if any new creature comes within 15 feet
Special: Additional facets increase the range. The ward can distinguish between sentient and rational creatures
Required Facets: 1
Compatible Gems: Amethyst, Ametrine, Diamond, Melanite, Pearl, Sapphire
Compatible Meta-gems: None
Compatible Chakras: Lotus, Crown


Orange embers in cold weather
Benefit: Efficiently burns stored energy to keep the wearer safe from even the most bitter cold
Special: Each facet stores enough ki for 8 hours of heat. Heat affects creatures within 5 feet
Required Facets: 1
Compatible Gems: Amber, Andesine, Carnelian, Citrine, Garnet, Sunstone, Tiger's Eye, Topaz
Compatible Meta-gems: None
Compatible Chakras: Lotus, Navel, Sacral, Root


I am at ease
Benefit: Add 1d6 additional hit points to your total hit point pool
Special: Roll the additional hit points when the keystone is aligned to a chakra. This keystone must be realigned each day, and once unaligned it cannot be realigned until the following day
Required Facets: 1
Compatible Gems: Diamond, Pearl, Melanite, Obsidian
Compatible Meta-gems: None
Compatible Chakras: Lotus

Gem list

The following is a list of each gem and the attributes associated with it

a swirling stratified gemstone of red, orange, and white


Description: Volcanic rock characterized by a fine, stratified grain. Colors range widely, but only agate with primarily yellow, orange, and red colors are readily used in keystones
Compatible Attributes: Blurred Bindings, Buoyant, Coursing River, Dart, Defiance, Feather, Foundations, Luck, Mettle, Stanching, Transcendant Ki, Unstable Ki
Compatible Chakras: Navel, Sacral, Root

a glowing yellow hunk of amber sits on a table near sunset


Description: Unique among the gemstones, amber is fossilized tree resin. It is transparent and usually has a warm orange color. Other colors such as green, red, and blue can be found, but only pure amber (orange) is readily used in keystones
Compatible Attributes: Action, Blurring Speed, Coursing River, Defiance, Fierce Aura, Foundations, Iron Chakra, Iron Will, Luck, Mettle, Pocket Healing, Power Surge, Unstable Ki, Warmth
Compatible Chakra: Navel

a purple gem rests in front of an open geode


Description: A clear gem with various shades of purple, amethyst is a special form of quartz
Compatible Attributes: Action, Action (Greater), Balanced Ki, Feather, Flash, Iron Charka, Mettle, Pocket Healing, Quicken, Reaction, Reject Poison, Shadowed Crane, Sharp Mind, Striking, Warden
Compatible Chakras: Crown

a purple gem with tinges of pale yellow


Description: A clear gem with shades of purple, sometimes including bands of yellow color. The presence of yellow color does not prevent it from being used in keystones
Compatible Attributes: Action, Action (Greater), Balanced Ki, Feather, Flash, Iron Charka, Mettle, Quicken, Reaction, Sharp Mind, Striking, Warden
Compatible Chakras: Crown

a brilliant, rough-cut pink gem


Description: A transparent gemstone which ranges in color from greens to reds. Andesine that is red or pink in color are best suited for use as keystones
Compatible Attributes: Action, Coursing River, Dart, Death Ward, Feather, Foundations, Iron Charka, Luck, Mettle, Power Overwhelming, Reaction, Tough Hide, Unstable Ki, Warmth
Compatible Chakras: Root

a glowing blue crystal stands on its end


Description: Aquamarine is a transparent gem with light blue color. It is a type of beryl
Compatible Attributes: Buoyant, Chaos, Darkvision, Light, Quicken, Reject Poison, Tough Hide, Truth, Ward
Compatible Chakras: Lotus, Throat

an irregular hexagon shaped, opaque gemstone of pupple, orange, and blue


Description: Beryl is a family of gems usually cut into regular hexagonal shapes to best enhance the ki. Beryl can be yellow, green, blue, red, white, pink, purple, brown, and orange. Only purple, blue, and green beryl are readily used in keystones
Compatible Attributes: Action (Greater), Balanced Ki, Blurring Speed, Buoyant, Feather, Flash, Ki Drain, Light, Mettle, Quicken, Reserves, Stanching
Compatible Chakras: Crown, Throat, Heart

an opaque polished gem of orange and deep red


Description: Carnelian is a mineral that can be transparent or opaque and comes in shades of orange
Compatible Attributes: Buoyant, Chaos, Coursing River, Fierce Aura, Foundations, Luck, Power Surge, Unbridled, Warmth
Compatible Chakras: Lotus, Sacral

a glowing, floating yellow gem with heavy, dark occlusions


Description: Clear gemstone with a pale yellow color, citrine is a form of quartz. Darker and more brilliant citrine is rare and often mistaken for topaz
Compatible Attributes: Action, Blurring Speed, Coursing River, Defiance, Feather, Fierce Aura, Foundations, Iron Charka, Iron will, Luck, Mettle, Power Surge, Reject Poison, Unstable Ki, Warmth
Compatible Chakras: Navel

an opaque, subtle red gemstone with heavy streaks of stone running through it


Description: Coral is an underwater species that can be cut into gemstones after it dies. Red and orange corals are best suited to use in keystones
Compatible Attributes: Blurred Bindings, Buoyant, Coursing River, Dart, Defiance, Feather, Foundations, Luck, Mettle, Stanching, Transcendant Ki, Unstable Ki
Compatible Chakras: Sacral, Root

a radiant cut diamond reflects the sunlight


Description: Diamond is an extremely strong gem due to its dense structure. This structure also prevents impurities, making diamonds with coloration very rare and the colors are very faint
Compatible Attributes: Action (Greater), Astral Energy, Astral Knot, Chaos, Fierce Aura, Light, Quicken, Raven's Eye, Truesight, Greater, Warden, Zen
Compatible Chakras: Lotus

a beautiful translucent green gemstone with a very irregular cut


Description: A deep green gemstone from the beryl family, emerald is relatively weak compared to other gems. Jewelers use its delicate structure of emeralds to their advantage, bringing out subtleties in the ki flow
Compatible Attributes: Action (Greater), Blurring Speed, Chaos, Defiance, Dexterous, Fierce Aura, Quicken, Reject Poison, Striking
Compatible Chakras: Lotus, Heart

a slab of dull, deep red gemstone


Description: Garnet is a transparent gem which is usually dark red in color, though garnets in orange, yellow, and black do exist. Very rare garnets exist which seem to change color when exposed to moonlight and sunlight
Compatible Attributes: Action, Coursing River, Dart, Death Ward, Foundations, Iron Charka, Luck, Mettle, Pocket Healing, Power Overwhelming, Reaction, Shadowed Crane, Tough Hide, Unstable Ki, Warmth
Compatible Chakras: Root

a small statue carved out of glowing jade crystal


Description: An opaque stone which is green in color. Shades range from brilliant to dark green.
Compatible Attributes: Action, Action (Greater), Balanced Ki, Blurring Speed, Defiance, Dexterous, Feather, Fierce Aura, Iron Charka, Mettle, Pocket Healing, Quicken, Shadowed Crane, Striking
Compatible Chakras: Heart

a mustard yellow polished gemstone with veins of dark mineral


Description: An aggregate of quartz and other minerals, jasper is opaque and is usually red, though it can also be yellow, orange, or brown, and very rarely green. Only jasper that is green or yellow in color can be readily used in keystones
Compatible Attributes: Action (Greater), Balanced Ki, Blurred Bindings, Blurring Speed, Coursing River, Defiance, Feather, Foundations, Luck, Mettle, Stanching, Transcendant Ki, Unstable Ki
Compatible Chakras: Heart, Navel

a deep opaque blue polsihed gem with heavy stratification

Lapis lazuli

Description: An opaque stone with a blue color that ranges in hue
Compatible Attributes: Action, Balanced Ki, Buoyant, Darkvision, Feather, Iron Charka, Light, Pocket Healing, Quicken, Tough Hide, Truth, Ward
Compatible Chakras: Throat

swirling green and black bands form this polished gemstone


Description: An opaque copper carbonate that is green in color and stratified
Compatible Attributes: Action, Action (Greater), Balanced Ki, Blurring Speed, Defiance, Dexterous, Feather, Fierce Aura, Iron Charka, Mettle, Quicken, Striking
Compatible Chakras: Heart

a rectangular cut of a deep grey translucent gem


Description: Melanite can be transparent or opaque and is smokey gray or black in color, respectively
Compatible Attributes: Action, Action (Greater), Astral Knot, Balanced Ki, Darkvision, Fierce Aura, Iron Charka, Matrix, Pocket Healing, Raven's Eye, Truesight, Warden, Zen
Compatible Chakras: Lotus

a pointed shard of polished obsidian


Description: Volcanic glass that is black or deep purple in color
Compatible Attributes: Darkvision, Death Ward, Fierce Aura, Ki Drain, Obsidian Ki, Raven's Eye, Soulstone, Truesight, Greater, Zen
Compatible Chakras: Lotus

an oval shaped, polished opal, glittering with many colors


Description: This multicolored and reflective gemstone is a form of silica. It contains 5-10% water, though this is not enough to move the gems via bindings
Compatible Attributes: Action (Greater), Balanced Ki, Blurring Speed, Buoyant, Feather, Flash, Ki Drain, Light, Mettle, Quicken, Reserves, Stanching
Compatible Chakras: Crown, Throat

a small statue of pearl shaped like the shell of a nautilus


Description: An opaque, crystalline, product of mollusks needs little shaping as it has already been crafted by a living organism to allow ki enhancement, however because of this pearls are not versatile
Associated Attributes: Action, Action (Greater), Astral Energy, Astral Knot, Balanced Ki, Fierce Aura, Iron Charka, Light, Raven's Eye, Truesight, Warden, Zen
Associated Chakras: Lotus

a yellow green gemstone with a growing plant trapped inside it


Description: This transparent gem has an olive green color and is among the few gems that occur in a single color. The shade of the color varies from a lighter green with elements of yellow, to a darker deep olive green
Associated Attributes: Action, Action (Greater), Balanced Ki, Blurring Speed, Defiance, Dexterous, Feather, Fierce Aura, Iron Charka, Mettle, Pocket Healing, Quicken, Reject Poison, Striking
Associated Chakras: Heart

a crystal of quartz and rose quartz shaped like a glass award trophy


Description: This mineral is extremely abundant, and its potential for ki enhancement is extremely versatile. It is transparent and often completely colorless. It can have shades of color, though when it does it is often only suitable for alignment to a single chakra
Compatible Attributes: Action (Greater), Astral Energy, Balanced Ki, Blurred Bindings, Blurring Speed, Buoyant, Coursing River, Dart, Defiance, Extending, Feather, Flash, Foundations, Ki Drain, Light, Luck, Matrix, Mettle, Quicken, Reserves, Stanching, Transcendant Ki, Unstable Ki
Compatible Chakras: Crown, Throat, Heart, Navel, Sacral, Root

a translucent red ruby, emerald cut


Description: A transparent gem that ranges from pink to blood red in color
Compatible Attributes: Chaos, Coursing River, Dart, Death Ward, Foundations, Luck, Power Overwhelming, Reaction, Reject Poison, Tough Hide, Warmth
Compatible Chakras: Lotus, Root

a deep blue gem radiating light


Description: A transparent gemstone which ranges from deep blues to shades of bold purple
Compatible Attributes: Action (Greater), Chaos, Flash Quicken, Reaction, Sharp Mind, Striking, Warden
Compatible Chakras: Lotus, Crown

a glowing translucent orange gemstone


Description: A transparent feldspar gemstone with stratified orange color with a brown hue
Compatible Attributes: Action, Buoyant, Coursing River, Feather, Foundations, Iron Charka, Luck, Pocket Healing, Power Surge, Unbridled, Unstable Ki, Warmth
Compatible Chakras: Sacral

a polished black and dark orange gemstone whose stratification looks like the stripes of a tiger's fur

Tiger's eye

Description: An opaque gemstone that is stratified and orange or red-brown in color. Extremely rare blue variants exist, which is often referred to as Hawk's Eye. Only orange varieties are readily used in keystones
Compatible Attributes: Action, Buoyant, Coursing River, Feather, Foundations, Iron Charka, Luck, Power Surge, Unbridled, Unstable Ki, Warmth
Compatible Chakras: Sacral

a rough cut rectangular gem radiates yellow light


Description: A transparent, prismatic gem which ranges from orange to yellow in color
Compatible Attributes: Blurring Speed, Chaos, Coursing River, Defiance, Fierce Aura, Foundations, Iron will, Luck, Power Surge, Reject Poison, Warmth
Compatible Chakras: Lotus, Navel

two polished turquoise sit on smooth polished wood


Description: An opaque mineral with blue-green coloring
Compatible Attributes: Action, Balanced Ki, Buoyant, Darkvision, Feather, Iron Charka, Light, Quicken, Shadowed Crane, Tough Hide, Truth, Ward
Compatible Chakras: Throat

wiki/keystones.txt · Last modified: 2024/12/14 16:34 by caley