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[advent class]

Rules governing Advent classes

Pronounciation: (NAY-iv-nee)

The Neamhni are masters of the mind and the void. They are able to convert their ki energy into the material void, creating a cold, misty black shadow which they manipulate to their purposes. They have also developed formidable mental powers, able to cloud the mind with dark thoughts. They can even reach into another creature's mind to discover, and alter, their darkest secrets

There is a connection between the ego and nature, which is similar to the inability to have light without darkness. Neamhni is a discipline that uniquely utilizes this connection, the only path that draws on the shadow. Just as the ki spirits of shadow are feared, so too are the Neamhni

Neamhni focuses on utility with mind and vision altering abilities. Their combat abilities focus on attacks and evasion

Adventures that include Neamhni opponents introduces an atmosphere of doubt within the players, heightening roleplaying opportunities

Art by John Latta

Neamhni Advent Class Level Table

Level Talent PointsLevel Bonuses
1 10 Talent Points1 Talent
2 10 Talent Points1 Talent
3 10 Talent Points5 Bonus Talent Points
4 10 Talent Points1 Talent
5 15 Talent Points1 Feat
6 15 Talent Points1 Talent
7 15 Talent Points5 Bonus Talent Points
8 15 Talent Points1 Talent
9 20 Talent Points1 Feat
10 20 Talent Points10 Bonus Talent Points

Talent tree

Talent details

Alter memory

Action: Two Full Actions
Requires: Mind Probe
Description: You select a memory and alter some detail of the memory as you choose
Range: Touch
Speed: Instant
Effect: Target creature's mind
Offensive: Attack Bonus + Dex + 6d6
Cooldown: 12 rounds
Special: The offensive formula is rolled against the target's defensive formula, which represents the ability to make physical contact with the target. If the hit is successful, the target creature must then make a Resolve vs Resolve Ability Check, even if the target is asleep or unconscious. If the target fails this check, you may change one detail of the memory, subject to GM discretion. The target creature is unaware of the change. If the target makes the check, they are vaguely aware of the attempt, and you cannot attempt to alter the target's memories again for 1 day

You must have knowledge of the target creature's memory which you wish to alter. Changed memories are restored to their original state after 1 month. If you have another attack that allows you to make physical contact with the target creature, such as a melee attack or a blast made at melee range, you may substitute its formula for the Offensive formula of Alter Memory

Talent Point Improvements:
□ Reduce the required action to one Full action
□□□□□ □□□□□ Increase the Dice bonus of the offensive formula by 1d6. (Cost increases)
□□ Increase the dice rolled on your Ability Check by 1d6. Maximum increase is 2d6
□ Extend the duration the memory is altered by 1 month
□ Reduce the cooldown by 1 round. Minimum cooldown is 6 rounds

a purple storm with a swath of bright gold lightning


Action: Standard
Requires: Shadow Bolt
Description: You inflict a blast of dark energy on the target's mind, causing them wracking pain
Range: 20 feet
Speed: Instant
Effect: Target creature's mind
Damage: Res x 2 + 6d6 [Untyped]
Cooldown: 12 rounds
Special: The target creature must make a Resolve vs Resolve Ability Check. If the target creature fails its saving throw, the attack deals damage. If the target resists the attack, they are aware of the attempt, and you take 2d6 damage
Talent Point Improvements:
□ Extend the range by 10 feet. Maximum range is 60 feet
□□□□□ □□□□□ Increase the dice bonus of the damage formula by 1d6. (Cost increases)
□□ Increase the dice rolled on your Ability Check by 1d6. Maximum increase is 2d6
□ Reduce the cooldown by 1 round. Minimum cooldown is 6 rounds

a warrior standing in purple mists


Action: Swift
Requires: No requirements
Description: You cause the edges of your form to morph into clouds of void which dart and swirl making it harder to predict your movements
Range: Self
Effect: You blur the edges of your form
Cooldown: 12 rounds
Special: Grants a 3d6 bonus to all defensive actions for two segments. As an alternative use, grants a 2d6 stealth bonus in low-light environments for up to 1 minute. Changing your form in this way does not make you susceptible to contact with fire
Talent Point Improvements:
□ Reduce the required action to Free
□ Extend the duration of the defensive bonus by one segment. Maximum duration is 2 rounds
□ Reduce the cooldown by 1 round. Minimum cooldown is 6 rounds

a dark purple creature with a large head, with purple mists surrounding its brain


Action: Full
Requires: No requirements
Description: You cast a shadow over the mind of your target, decreasing their reaction time
Range: 20 feet
Speed: Instant
Effect: Target creature's mind
Cooldown: 12 rounds
Special: The target creature must make a Resolve vs Resolve Ability Check. If the target fails this check, it is afflicted with an unnatural doubt and is unable to initiate any actions for one segment. Additionaly, you gain Void Exhaustion for three rounds. If the target creature resists your attack, they are vaguely aware of the attempt, and you gain Void Exhaustion for six rounds. While under the effects of Void Exhaustion, you cannot use Doubt
Talent Point Improvements:
□ Reduce the required action by one level. Minimum action is Swift
□ Extend the range by 10 feet. Maximum range is 60 feet
□□ Increase the dice rolled on your Ability Check by 1d6. Maximum increase is 2d6
□ Reduce the cooldown by 1 round. Minimum cooldown is 6 rounds

a gold and purple brain affected by a golden mist in the shape of a skull

Erase memory

Action: Two Full Actions
Requires: Alter Memory
Description: You remove a select memory from your target's mind
Range: Touch
Speed: Instant
Effect: Target creature's mind
Offensive: Attack Bonus + Dex + 6d6
Cooldown: 12 rounds

  • The offensive formula is rolled against the target's defensive formula, which represents the ability to make physical contact with the target. If the hit is successful, the target creature must then make a Resolve vs Resolve Ability Check, even if the target is asleep or unconscious. If the target fails this check, the target memory is removed, and the target is unaware of the change. If the target makes its check, it is vaguely aware of the attempt, and you cannot attempt to remove the target's memories again for 1 day
  • You must have knowledge of the target creature's memory which you wish to remove
  • Removed memories are restored to their original state after 1 month
  • If a creature attempts to access an erased memory, the experience is mildly painful
  • If you have another attack that allows you to make physical contact with the target creature, such as a melee attack or a blast made at melee range, you may substitute its formula for the Offensive formula of Erase Memory

Talent Point Improvements:
□ Reduce the required action to one Full action
□□ Increase the dice rolled on your Ability Check by 1d6. Maximum increase is 2d6
□ Extend the duration the memory is inaccessible by 1 month
□ Reduce the cooldown by 1 round. Minimum cooldown is 6 rounds

a swirl of smooth purple clouds in a deep black void

Formless void

Action: Full
Requires: Void Step
Description: You convert your entire body into swirling mists, allowing you to move through tight spaces
Range: Self
Speed: Instant
Effect: Your body becomes incorporeal
Defensive: Defense Bonus + Res + 6d6
Cooldown: 12 rounds
Special: Attacks that generate wind in an attempt to relocate you are resolved as a Reposition maneuver. Your movement speed is reduced by 15 feet while in this form. You may move through any substance which is not airtight. Moving through tight spaces requires an additional 10 feet of movement speed. Changing your form in this way does not make you susceptible to contact with fire
Talent Point Improvements:
□□□□□ □□□□□ Increase the Dice bonus of the defensive formula by 1d6. (Cost increases)
□ Reduce the movement speed penalty by 5 feet
□ Reduce the penalty for moving through tight spaces by 5 feet
□ Reduce the cooldown by 1 round. Minimum cooldown is 6 rounds

a vortex of wispy purple clouds surrounding a black void

Heart of darkness

Action: Standard
Requires: No requirements
Description: You create a swirling cloud of void, through which only you can see
Range: 20 feet
Speed: 10H
Effect: Cylinder with a diameter of 20 feet, 20 feet tall
Defensive: Defense Bonus + Res + 6d6
Cooldown 12 rounds
Special: Attacks that generate wind in an attempt to displace the mist must exceed the defensive formula. When an attack against the cloud is successful, each Excess Dice disperses one hex of cloud
Talent Point Improvements:
□ Reduce the required action by one level. Minimum action is Swift
□ Extend the range by 10 feet. Maximum range is 120 feet
□ Increase the speed by 1H
□ Increase the diameter and height by 5 feet
□ Increase the defensive formula by 1d6. Total dice may not exceed character level. Maximum dice is 8d6
□□□ You may shape the cloud as though it were a wall, with any unbroken shape equal to the ground area of the cloud
□ Reduce the cooldown by 1 round. Minimum cooldown is 6 rounds

a dark purple human face with glowing orange eyes and an eerie countenance

Heart of madness

Action: Full
Requires: Doubt
Description: You surround your target's mind with darkness, causing them a temporary loss of sanity
Range: 20 feet
Speed: Instant
Effect: Target creature's mind
Cooldown: 12 rounds
Special: The target creature must make a Resolve vs Resolve Ability Check. If the target fails this check, it gains the Delirious condition for 2 rounds, and you gain Void Exhaustion for three rounds. If the target creature makes its check, they are vaguely aware of the attempt, and you gain Void Exhaustion for six rounds. While under the effects of Void Exhaustion, you cannot use Heart of Madness
Talent Point Improvements:
□ Reduce the required action to Standard
□ Extend the range by 10 feet. Maximum range is 60 feet
□□ Increase the dice rolled on your Ability Check by 1d6. Maximum increase is 2d6
□ Reduce the cooldown by 1 round. Minimum cooldown is 6 rounds

a head with glowing orange eyes and a clear skull with the brain visible

Iron mind

Action: Passive
Requires: Numb Senses
Description: Your experience in twisting the mind's ability to perceive grants you a level of immunity from the influences of others
Effect: You gain a 1d6 bonus to defensive Resolve Checks
Special: Once per combat, you may choose to ignore the the effects of Void Exhaustion, allowing you to use abilities that normally would not function. Once per day, you can reset the cooldown of Mind Probe, Alter Memory, or Erase Memory
Talent Point Improvements:
□□ Increase the bonus to Resolve Checks by 1d6. Maximum bonus is 4d6

a brain and eyes made out of swirling smoke

Mind probe

Action: Full
Requires: No requirements
Description: You reach into the mind of another, allowing you to read their thoughts and to search for memories
Range: Touch
Effect: Read target's mind or search target's mind for a memory
Offensive: Attack Bonus + Dex + 6d6
Cooldown: 12 rounds
Special: The offensive formula is rolled against the target's defensive formula, which represents the ability to make physical contact with the target. If the hit is successful, the target creature must then make a Resolve vs Resolve Ability Check, even if the target is asleep or unconscious. If the target fails this check, you may perform one of the following, without the target creature's knowledge:

  • Read Mind: You read the target's mind, learning their thoughts for the next 6 seconds
  • Search Memories: You describe a memory with a short sentence or ask a short question. You catch a brief glimpse of the memory, condensed down if the memory is long or complicated. After the GM or player gives you the description of the memory, you may ask a single, simple question regarding what you saw

If the target makes their check, they are vaguely aware of the attempt, and you may not attempt Mind Probe again on the target for 1 day. If you have another attack that allows you to make physical contact with the target creature, such as a melee attack or a blast made at melee range, you may substitute its formula for the Offensive formula of Mind Probe
Talent Point Improvements:
□ Reduce the required action to Standard
□□ Increase the dice rolled on your Ability Check by 1d6. Maximum increase is 2d6
□ Reduce the cooldown by 1 round. Minimum cooldown is 6 rounds

a shadow of a human surrounded by volatile smoke of purple, lavender, and gold


Action: Standard
Requires: Shadow Bolt
Description: You implant a brief vision of the target creature's most painful memories
Range: 20 feet
Speed: Instant
Effect: Target creature's mind
Cooldown: 12 rounds
Special: The target creature must make a Resolve vs Resolve Ability Check. If the target fails this check, it suffers disadvantage on all rolls for 2 rounds, and you gain Void Exhaustion for three rounds. The experience does not feel natural to the target. If the target creature resists your attack, they are vaguely aware of the attempt, and you gain Void Exhaustion for six rounds. While under the effects of Void Exhaustion, you cannot use Misery
Talent Point Improvements:
□ Reduce the required action by one level. Minimum action is Swift
□ Extend the range by 10 feet. Maximum range is 60 feet
□□ Increase the dice rolled on your Ability Check by 1d6. Maximum increase is 2d6
□ Reduce the cooldown by 1 round. Minimum cooldown is 6 rounds

a purple silhouette stands above an orange mist

Mist walker

Action: Standard
Requires: Heart of Darkness
Description: You create a fine, swirling mist of the void around you, allowing you to sense the presence of nearby creatures, even in perfect darkness
Range: 10 feet
Speed: 8H
Effect: You create a fine swirling mist up to 10 feet around you that lasts Res + 2 segments
Cooldown: 12 rounds
Special: Attacks that generate wind disperse the mist in the hexes they target. You can track the movements of anything that disturbs the mist, including projectiles, even if you cannot detect the objects via your normal senses. This allows you to target or defend against these creatures or objects. This ability does not give enough detail to distinguish one person from another. This mist is too fine to react when coming in contact with fire
Talent Point Improvements:
□ Reduce the required action by one level. Minimum action is Swift
□ Increase the range by 5 feet. Maximum range is 40 feet
□ Increase the speed by 1H. Maximum speed is 12H
□ Increase the number of segments the mist lasts by 1
□ Reduce the cooldown by 1 round. Minimum cooldown is 6 rounds

a void surrounded by purple smoke, surrounded by gold fire


Action: Standard
Requires: Blur
Description: You shift your body completely into the formless void, removing yourself from the material plane
Range: Self
Speed: Instant
Effect: You shift out of the material plane for Res + 2 segments
Cooldown: 12 rounds
Special: While shifted you cannot interact with the material plane, and can only move by taking the five foot step movement action. While shifted, others see you as a shifting cloud of dark mist. You may return to the material plane as a free action. Actions can target you at any time during the segment in which you return to the material plane
Talent Point Improvements:
□ Reduce the required action by one level. Minimum action is Swift
□ Extend the duration of the shift by 1 segment
□ Reduce the cooldown by 1 round. Minimum cooldown is 6 rounds

a round vial with a black liquid and a swirling purple nebula in the center of the liquid

Numb senses

Action: Full
Requires: No requirements
Description: You cast a shadow over the mind of another creature, targeting a particular sense, closing it off from the mind
Range: 20 feet
Speed: Instant
Effect: Target creature's mind
Cooldown: 12 rounds
Special: The target creature must make a Resolve vs Resolve Ability Check. If the target fails this check, it experiences one of the following Conditions, at your option

Additionally, you gain Void Exhaustion for three rounds. The target does not know the source of the attack and is not alerted to the change. If the target creature resists your attack, the target is vaguely aware of the attempt, and you gain Void Exhaustion for six rounds. While under the effects of Void Exhaustion, you cannot use Numb Senses
Talent Point Improvements:
□ Reduce the required action to Standard
□ Extend the range by 10 feet. Maximum range is 60 feet
□□ Increase the dice rolled on your Ability Check by 1d6. Maximum increase is 2d6
□ Reduce the cooldown by 1 round. Minimum cooldown is 6 rounds

a colossal stone statue with bright purple energy surrounding the statue's head


Action: Full
Requires: No requirements
Description: You plunge the target creature's mind into a state of terrible fear, paralyzing them
Range: 20 feet
Speed: Instant
Effect: Target creature's mind
Cooldown: 12 rounds
Special: The target creature must make a Resolve vs Resolve Ability Check. If the target fails this check, they gain the Rooted condition for 1 round, and you gain Void Exhaustion for three rounds. If the target creature resists your attack, you gain Void Exhaustion for six rounds, and the target is vaguely aware of the attempt. While under the effects of Void Exhaustion, you cannot use Petrify
Talent Point Improvements:
□ Reduce the required action to Standard
□ Extend the range by 10 feet. Maximum range is 60 feet
□ Extend the duration to 2 rounds
□□ Increase the dice rolled on your Ability Check by 1d6. Maximum increase is 2d6
□ Reduce the cooldown by 1 round. Minimum cooldown is 6 rounds

a sweeping arc of shadowy smoke

Shadow blade

Action: Standard
Requires: Shadow Bolt
Description: You create a swirling blade of void and release it, lashing out forward in an arc of deconstruction
Range: 20 feet
Speed: 6H
Effect: Target 30 degree cone
Offensive: Attack Bonus + Dex + 6d6
Defensive: Defense Bonus + Dex + 6d6
Damage: Strength x 2 + 6d6 [Burning - Cold]
Cooldown: 12 rounds
Special: When used against non living matter, Shadow Blade does 6d6 bonus damage. If Shadow Blade comes in contact with fire, the fire and the Shadow Blade annihilate each other instantly, causing a concussive force which pushes adjacent creatures back 5 feet
Talent Point Improvements:
□ Extend the range by 5 feet. Maximum range is 60 feet
□ Increase the speed by 1H. Maximum speed is 12H
□□□□□ □□□□□ Increase the dice bonus of the offensive and defensive formulas by 1d6. (Cost increases)
□□□□□ □□□□□ Increase the dice bonus of the damage formula by 1d6. (Cost increases)
□ Increase the bonus damage to non living matter by 1d6. Maximum bonus is 12d6
□ Reduce the cooldown by 1 round. Minimum cooldown is 6 rounds

a dart of bright purple smoke with a dark purple trail

Shadow bolt

Action: Standard
Requires: No requirements
Description: You create a swirling ball of void and fling it towards your target
Range: 30 feet
Speed: 8H
Effect: Target creature, hex, or object
Offensive: Attack Bonus + Dex + 6d6
Defensive: Defense Bonus + Dex + 6d6
Damage: Strength x 2 + 6d6 [Burning - Cold]
Cooldown: 6 rounds
Special: When used against non living matter, Shadow bolt does 6d6 bonus damage. If Shadow Bolt comes in contact with fire, the fire and the Shadow Bolt annihilate each other instantly, causing a concussive force which pushes adjacent creatures back 5 feet
Talent Point Improvements:
□ Extend the range by 10 feet. Maximum range is 60 feet
□ Increase the speed by 1H. Maximum speed is 18H
□□□□□ □□□□□ Increase the dice bonus of the offensive and defensive formulas by 1d6. (Cost increases)
□□□□□ □□□□□ Increase the dice bonus of the damage formula by 1d6. (Cost increases)
□ Increase the bonus damage to non living matter by 1d6. Maximum bonus is 9d6
□ Reduce the cooldown by 1 round. Minimum cooldown is 1 round

a dark purple silhouette stands before an open portal made of purple smoke

Void step

Action: Swift
Requires: No requirements
Description: You briefly shift your body, allowing you to step through the void to a nearby location
Range: Self
Speed: Instant
Effect: You move 10 feet in any direction
Cooldown: 6 rounds
Special: You must be able to see your target location. You jump to your target location, without traversing the distance. Void step has no effect on your velocity
Talent Point Improvements:
□□ Increase the distance moved by 5 feet. Maximum distance is 20 feet
□ Reduce the cooldown by 1 round. Minimum cooldown is 1 round

wiki/neamhni.txt · Last modified: 2022/09/08 17:32 by caleymccready