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The aeromancer is a mysterious elementalist. They bind their ki to the wind itself, controlling the air around them comes as naturally as breathing is to other creatures. They can be energetic and emotive, or calm and gentle

Some aeromancers prefer nomadic lifestyles, while others settle in monasteries in remote mountain locations. Adventuring aeromancers are often restless and spirited, travelling to the corners of the world as if driven by the wind itself. As galactic travellers, aeromancers are valued for their natural aptitude as sailors. They can directly control sails and easily navigate their way around a ship. Many aeromancers will trade these skills for passage as they make their way through the galactic stream

Aeromancers excel at avoiding and evading strikes, in lieu of dealing out damage. They have very high mobility, and good utility. They prize a sharp mind and quick body

Art by John Latta

Aeromancer Class Level Table

LevelBAB*BDB*Talent PointsLevel Bonuses
1 0 0 6 Talent Points2 Talents, 1 Skill Focus, Movement Speed +5 feet
2 1 1 7 Talent Points1 Talent
3 1 1 8 Talent Points1 Feat
4 1 1 9 Talent Points1 Talent, 1 Ability Bonus
5 1 2 10 Talent Points1 Skill Focus
6 2 2 12 Talent Points1 Talent
7 2 2 12 Talent Points1 Feat
8 2 3 12 Talent Points1 Talent, 1 Ability Bonus
9 2 3 12 Talent Points1 Feat
10 2 3 12 Talent Points1 Talent
11 3 4 12 Talent Points1 Feat
12 3 4 12 Talent Points1 Talent, 1 Ability Bonus
13 3 4 12 Talent Points1 Feat
14 3 5 12 Talent Points1 Talent
15 3 5 12 Talent Points1 Feat
16 4 5 12 Talent Points1 Talent, 1 Ability Bonus
17 4 6 12 Talent Points1 Feat
18 4 6 12 Talent Points1 Feat
19 4 6 12 Talent Points1 Feat
20 4 6 12 Talent Points1 Feat, 1 Ability Bonus

* Base Attack Bonus, Base Defense Bonus

Talent tree

Talent details

At level one, you may choose from the following talents:
Air Blast, High Jump, Cloud of Dust, Powerful Ki, and Vent

At level two, you may choose any talent for which you meet the requirements. (Talent Key)

a hundred currents of air converge as they shoot up into the sky

Air blast

Action: Full, Standard
Requires: No requirements
Description: Blast an opponent or target hex with air, or use your blast to defend against incoming attacks. The path of the blast may arc up to 30 degrees
Range: 30 feet
Speed: 10H (10 hexes per segment)
Effect: Target creature, hex, or object
Offensive: Attack Bonus + Dex + 2d6
Defensive: Defense Bonus + Dex + 2d6
Damage: Strength x 2 + 1d6 [Bludgeoning]
Cooldown: 6 rounds

  • Attacking with a standard action grants one attack which does not invoke the cooldown. Attacking with a full action grants two attacks which must be initiated in separate segments. Using Air Blast as a full action invokes the cooldown which only prohibits using it as a full action
  • Upon a successful hit, your target is pushed back 5 feet. If this movement pushes them into an object, the pushback is halted in that space, and the creature takes no damage from being pushed into the object. Pushback still applies when using Air Blast to perform a maneuver

Talent Point Improvements:
□ Extend the range by 10 feet. Maximum range is 120 feet
□ Increase the speed by 2H
□□ Increase the Dice bonus of the offensive and defensive formulas by 1d6. (Cost increases)
□□ Increase the Dice bonus of the damage formula by 1d6. (Cost increases)
□ Reduce the cooldown by 1 round. Minimum cooldown is 1 round
□ Add 5 feet to the pushback on a successful hit. Maximum additional pushback is 15 feet

an arching ring of air with a golden edge of light


Action: Standard
Requires: Powerful Ki
Description: Blast an opponent or target hex with air. Your ki binding is strong and precise, allowing your blast to be razor thin, slicing through your target. The path of the blast is a 30 degree arc that moves outward from you, or from one side to the other, at your option
Range: 15 feet
Speed: 8H
Effect: Target 30° cone
Offensive: Attack Bonus + Dex + 2d6
Defensive: Defense Bonus + Dex + 2d6
Damage: Strength x 2 + 1d6 [Slashing]
Cooldown: 6 rounds
Special: A Blade attack flows around obstacles, ignoring cover that is not adjacent to the target (Subject to GM discretion)
Talent Point Improvements:
□ Extend the range by 5 feet. Maximum range is 30 feet
□ Increase the speed by 1H
□□ Increase the arc from 30° to 60°
□□ Increase the Dice bonus of the offensive and defensive formulas by 1d6. (Cost increases)
□□ Increase the Dice bonus of the damage formula by 1d6. (Cost increases)
□ Reduce the cooldown by 1 round. Minimum cooldown is 1 round

an air elemental sprints toward the viewer

Blurring speed

Action: Free
Requires: Quick Mind, Level 4
Description: Your movements are like the wind, swift and swirling
Effect: Self
Cooldown: 6 rounds
Special: As a free action, you take any movement action, which completes immediately, causing your appearance to blur as you move. You may only use this action if your initiative is higher than all of your opponents. Alternatively, you may use this action to put yourself at the top of the initiative, instead of granting you extra movement
Talent Point Improvements:
□ Reduce the cooldown by 1 round. Minimum cooldown is 2 rounds

an icy borealis stretches across the sky


Action: Standard
Requires: Vent
Description: Breathe out a small blast of air, either freezing cold, or steaming hot
Range: Self
Speed: 2H
Effect: a 60° cone 10 feet in length (Three hexes)
Offensive: Attack Bonus + Dex + 2d6
Defensive: Defense Bonus + Dex + 2d6
Damage: Str x 2 + 1d6 [Burning]
Special: When used on water, it can bring it to the boiling point or freezing point in an instant. When used on metal it can make it red hot for one round, or brittle for 1 round. This ability can stoke or snuff natural flames, and be used to block area-of-effect pyromancer abilities. Other temperature effects possible at GM discretion
Talent Point Improvements:
□ Reduce the required action to Move
□ Increase the offensive and defensive formula by 1d6. Total dice may not exceed character level. Maximum dice is 8d6
□ Increase the damage formula by 1d6. Total dice may not exceed character level. Maximum dice is 8d6

a spherically shaped dust storm

Cloud of dust

Action: Standard
Requires: No requirements
Description: Use drafts of air to kick up a cloud of dust, or any fine material, including dirt, sand, and even water (Other materials at GM discretion)
Range: 20 feet
Speed: 12H
Effect: Cylinder with a diameter of 20 feet, 20 feet tall. Dissipates after 3 rounds
Defensive: Defense Bonus + Res + 2d6
Cooldown: 6 rounds
Special: The cloud of dust rises from the ground, providing one level of concealment per hex. Attacks that generate wind in an attempt to displace the dust must exceed the defensive formula
Talent Point Improvements:
□ Reduce the required action by one level. Minimum action is Swift
□ Extend the range by 10 feet. Maximum range is 120 feet
□ Increase the speed by 1H
□□ Increase the diameter and height by 5 feet
□ Extend the duration by 1 round
□ Increase the defensive formula by 1d6. Total dice may not exceed character level. Maximum dice is 8d6
□ Reduce the cooldown by 1 round. Minimum cooldown is 1 round

a person walks on a serene layer of clouds


Action: Move, Standard
Requires: Cloud of Dust, Level 2
Description: You create currents of air that allow you or an ally to move quickly, floating just above the ground
Range: 20 feet
Speed: 6H
Effect: Target creature moves up to 30 feet
Cooldown: 6 rounds

  • When using Cloudwalk on a willing participant (Standard), you determine the movement start and finish. The creature glides two feet above the ground, touching down in the target location
  • If used in consecutive rounds, the target creature does not need to touchdown each round
  • The target creature must start their movement within the range and end it within twice the range
  • Cloudwalk is a move action when used on yourself, and a standard action when used on another target

Talent Point Improvements:
□ Reduce the action for using on an ally from a standard action to a move action
□ Extend the range by 5 feet. Maximum range is 60 feet
□ Increase the speed by 1H. Maximum speed is 18H
□ Increase the distance moved by 5 feet. Maximum distance moved is 50 feet
□ Reduce the cooldown by 1 round. Minimum cooldown is 1 round

several currents of air converge into a glowing blue stream of air


Action: Swift
Requires: Leap Attack
Description: You may integrate tiny objects such as rocks, arrowheads, or shruiken into your air attacks, changing their damage type
Effect: Change damage type of an air attack to piercing
Special: When objects are used with Air Blast or Blade, the offensive, devensive and damage formulas increase by 1d6. Objects thrown are not returned to your possession. You may also use this move to safely move Tiny objects up to 30 feet
Talent Point Improvements:
□ Reduce the required action to Free
□ Increase size category of objects you may move safely to Small
□□ Increase the bonus to damage formulas to 2d6
□□ Extend the range you can safely move objects by 5 feet

an aeromancer flies through the air wrapped in shifting clouds


Action: Move
Requires: High Jump, Level 2
Description: Using something to catch the wind, such as a glider or a swath of cloth, you direct currents of air to control your flight
Special: Requires both arms free, though you may hold items while gliding
Talent Point Improvements:
□□ Remove the requirement for free hands and the need for a glider or cloth
□ Gain the ability to Hover

a stream of energy shoots up into the clouds

High jump

Action: Passive, Move
Requires: No requirements
Description: Using currents of air, you can leap great distances or safely descend. You can also use currents of air to increase an ally's jumping ability, or slow their fall, as a Move action
Range: Self, 15 feet

  • When you are jumping, you do not require a running start, and the difficulty level of the jump is reduced by one level
  • You gain a 4d6 bonus to Athletics for the purposes of jumping
  • The benefits of High Jump are passive when used on yourself but require a Move action when used on other willing creatures
  • Creatures you assist must start their jump within your range, but may jump outside your range

Additional Points:
□ Extend the range by 5 feet. Maximum range is 40 feet
□ Increase the bonus to jumping by 2d6. Maximum bonus is 12d6
□ You are able to augment your own leap/descent and an ally's with the same move action
□ Increase the number of allies you can assist with a single action by 1

a cloud crashes in on itself like waves of water


Action: Full
Requires: Sphairoid, Level 10
Description: You gently lift off the ground, rising 15 feet in the air, held aloft by strong updrafts of warm air. Holding your arms outstretched, you unleash a mighty storm with strong winds and rain, which is centered around you, quickly emanating out from you. You must channel the storm in order for it to continue, which requires a full action each round. You may channel the storm for a number of rounds equal to your Resolve modifier. The storm continues 1d6 rounds after you stop channeling (Do not roll this 1d6 until you actually stop channeling), but you may stop channeling at will
Range: Self
Speed: 18H
Effect: A storm, in a cylinder with radius up to 40 feet and a height up to 120 feet. The storm effects begin after one segment, on your initiative. Movement speed is reduced by half. Perception checks take a -1 penalty. Bindings that require projectiles or suspended objects, become impractical and are made at disadvantage. Flying becomes difficult and dangerous but possible (GM discretion). Creatures in the Hurricane must make a Resolve vs Strength Ability Check in the first round in order to remain standing. You are considered to be defending against all attacks made in the storm
Defensive: Defense Bonus + Res + 2d6
Cooldown: Once per Day
Special: You may control the size of the storm in roughly 50 feet increments
While channeling the storm, you may speak freely, and the winds will carry your voice throughout the storm, making it audible to anyone in or near its effects, and giving your voice a “wind-like” quality
Talent Point Improvements:
□□ Reduce the action required to maintain the storm to a Standard action
□ Increase the speed by 1H. Maximum speed is 30H
□ The storm's maximum radius increases by 5 feet and max height by 10 feet
□□ Increase the defensive formula by 1d6. Total dice may not exceed character level. Maximum dice is 8d6
□ Extend the duration of the storm by 1 segment
□□ Increase the dice rolled on your Ability Check by 1d6. Maximum increase is 2d6

streams of air fly up into the sky

Knock back

Action: Full
Requires: Level 4
Description: You generate a continuous stream of air for three segments. Anyone caught in the blast is pushed back 10 feet per segment
Range: 30 feet
Speed: 18H
Effect: A jet of air 10 feet high and 5 feet wide, in a line from you to the target
Cooldown: 6 rounds
Special: If the stream hits a solid object, such as a wall, it ends. A stream of air that intersects a stream from another aeromancer does not progress beyond the point of intersection
Talent Point Improvements:
□ Reduce the required action by one level. Minimum action is Swift
□ Extend the range by 5 feet. Maximum range is 120 feet
□ Increase the speed by 1H
□ Reduce the cooldown by 1 round. Minimum cooldown is 1 round
□ Increase the distance a creature is pushed back to 15 feet per segment
□□ Creatures pushed back are also knocked prone after being pushed back

an aeromancer leaps through the sky

Leap attack

Action: Swift
Requires: Air Blast, Level 2
Description: Allows you to add a leaping jump to any attacking or defending action, moving 10 feet during your attack
Speed: Your normal movement speed
Cooldown: 6 rounds
Special: You must be able to move freely in order to use Leap Attack. Requires the use of an offensive or defensive formula. Use Acrobatics if precision jumping is needed
Talent Point Improvements:
□ Reduce the cooldown by 1 round. Minimum cooldown is 1 round
□ Increase the distance you leap to 15 feet

a beacon shines light over a plateau of clouds

Powerful ki

Action: Swift
Requires: No requirements
Description: You have an unusually powerful ki energy, and your training has unlocked this potential. When you use this ability, you elevate your ki energy. To anyone within 60 feet, your ki gives off a crackling, vibrant aura
Effect: You gain a bonus to your BAB or BDB
Cooldown: 12 rounds
Special: When you first select this talent, choose Base Attack Bonus or Base Defense Bonus. As a swift action, you gain a +1 bonus to your selected bonus for 1 round. Once selected, you cannot change the bonus
Talent Point Improvements:
□ Increase the Bonus from 1 to 2. Requires 4 levels in Aeromancer
□ Increase the Bonus from 2 to 3. Requires 8 levels in Aeromancer
□ Increase the Bonus from 3 to 4. Requires 12 levels in Aeromancer
□ Reduce the cooldown by 1 round. Minimum cooldown is 6 rounds

a blue eye peers out from among a violent storm

Quick mind

Action: Passive
Requires: Level 2
Description: Your quick wits allow you to act quickly in a tight spot
Effect: You gain a 1d6 bonus to Initiative
Talent Point Improvements:
□ Increase the Initiative bonus by 1d6. Maximum bonus is 6d6

a sphere of shifting clouds among a bed of cumulus clouds


Action: Full, Standard, Move
Requires: Tornado
Description: Create a sphere of swiftly rotating air in the atmosphere or underwater. Deflects all projectiles and binding attacks that do not beat its defense score. The sphere grows out from the center, pushing back anyone caught in its path
Range: Self
Speed: 2H
Effect: Creates a sphere of air with 15 foot diameter for 3 segments
Defensive: Defense Bonus + Res + 2d6
Cooldown: 6 rounds

  • A Full action creates the sphere, a standard action maintains it in subsequent rounds, up to Res rounds
  • Creatures may attempt a Resolve vs Strength Ability Check or an action pitted against this ability's defensive action to resist the pushback
  • If the spharioid is maintained in subsequent rounds, a check or defense must be made each round
  • The aeromancer may move away from the center of the sphere, or use a Move action to move the sphairoid with them
  • If performed underwater, the aeromancer has the option to suspend or push creatures safely to the boundary of the air and water. Creatures may stay at the boundary and breathe normally, or swim away

Talent Point Improvements:
□ Reduce the action required to create the sphere to Standard
□ Increase the speed by 1H. Maximum speed is 6H
□ Increase the diameter of the sphere by 5 feet. Maximum diameter is 60 feet
□ Increase the defensive formula by 1d6. Total dice may not exceed character level. Maximum dice is 8d6
□ Reduce the cooldown by 1 round. Minimum cooldown is 1 round
□ Reduce the action required to maintain the sphere to a Move action
□□ Creatures pushed back are also knocked prone after being pushed back
□□ Increase the dice rolled on your Ability Check by 1d6. Maximum increase is 2d6

a tornado against a serene, dark sky


Action: Full
Requires: Level 4
Description: You may use Tornado in two ways:
Offensively: You sweep currents of air towards and around the target creature, swirling them around in a 10 foot tornado, rendering them unable to act for three segments
Defensively: As a move action, you create a swirling water tornado that carries you 15 feet up into the air at your normal speed, enveloping your legs, but leaving your hands free
Range: 15 feet (offensively)
Speed: 10H (offensively)
Effect: Create a tornado
Offensive: Attack Bonus + Dex + 2d6
Defensive: Defense Bonus + Res + 2d6
Cooldown: 12 rounds

  • Defensively: While in the tornado, you have advantage when defending yourself. You may maintain the tornado in subsequent rounds using a swift action. You may only take the Walk, Dodge, or step movement actions when moving. Creatures hit by the tornado are pushed to the nearest open space or are knocked prone. The tornado may be targeted by an attack and is dispersed if hit
  • Offensively: The air moves from its source to the target at the speed before enveloping the target. The source of water and the target must be within the range. The target creature must make a defensive action against the offensive formula or be caught in the tornado. Other players can target the tornado even after it has captured a creature. If they exceed the original offensive formula, the tornado is dispersed and the creature inside is unharmed

Talent Point Improvements:
□ Extend the range when used offensively by 5 feet. Maximum range is 30 feet
□ Increase the speed when used offensively by 1H. Maximum speed is 18H
□□ Extend the duration when used offensively by 1 segment. Maximum duration is 5 segments
□□ Increase the off/def formulas by 1d6. Total dice may not exceed character level. Maximum dice is 8d6
□ Reduce the cooldown by 1 round. Minimum cooldown is 6 rounds

a swirl of air twisting violently upward


Action: Standard
Requires: No requirements
Description: You draw a short, sweeping blast of air in front of your body, deflecting incoming attacks
Range: Self
Effect: Create a vent of air 10 feet wide and 10 feet long
Defensive: Defensive Bonus + Res + 2d6
Talent Point Improvements:
□ Reduce the required action to Move
□ Increase the defensive formula by 1d6. Total dice may not exceed character level. Maximum dice is 8d6

a wall of clouds advances over a forested plain

Wall of air

Action: Full
Requires: Knock back
Description: You create a wall of rushing, rising air at the target location
Range: 15 feet
Speed: 12H
Effect: A wall of air 5 feet thick, 15 feet high, and 25 feet long. The Air travels from your current location to the target location, and then up the height of the wall, at the speed. The wall persists for 6 segments
Defensive: Defense Bonus + Res + 2d6
Cooldown: 6 rounds

  • Can be used underwater
  • Attacks that intersect the wall must exceed the defensive formula or be completely knocked off course
  • Attacks that exceed the defensive formula move past the wall toward their target, with their offensive roll reduced by the defensive formula
  • Creatures caught in the wall or that attempt to move through the wall must make a Strength vs Resolve Ability Check or be pushed to the nearest hex outside the wall

Talent Point Improvements:
□ Reduce the required action to Standard
□ Extend the range by 5 feet. Maximum range is 60 feet
□ Increase the maximum length of the wall by 10 feet
□ Increase the maximum height of the wall by 5 feet. This increases the speed by 5 feet
□□ Increase the Dice bonus of the defensive formulas by 1d6. (Cost increases)
□ Reduce the cooldown by 1 round. Minimum cooldown is 1 round
□□ Increase the dice rolled on your Ability Check by 1d6. Maximum increase is 2d6

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wiki/aeromancer.txt · Last modified: 2023/03/24 16:15 by caleymccready