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Pheresata Hydromancer

Hydromancers are elementalists with the ability to manipulate water. Using an external binding, they tether their ki energy to water, allowing them to manipulate the water as they do their own ki energy. Using the motion of their own body, they direct the flow of the water

Hydromancers are well rounded elementalists, having a balanced mix of offense, defense, utility, mobility, and support. Hydromancers also have the ability to unlock the inherent healing energy within water to heal injuries. While they may not be the most powerful binder in any one area, no adventuring party is complete without a hydromancer. Hydromancers seek a balance between mental and physical ability, as in all things

Art by Dayle Domingo

Hydromancer Class Level Table

LevelBAB*BDB*Talent PointsLevel Bonuses
1 0 0 6 Talent Points2 Talents, 1 Skill Focus
2 1 1 7 Talent Points1 Talent
3 1 1 8 Talent Points1 Feat
4 1 1 9 Talent Points1 Talent, 1 Ability Bonus
5 2 2 10 Talent Points1 Skill Focus
6 2 2 12 Talent Points1 Talent
7 2 2 12 Talent Points1 Feat
8 2 2 12 Talent Points1 Talent, 1 Ability Bonus
9 3 3 12 Talent Points1 Feat
10 3 3 12 Talent Points1 Talent
11 3 3 12 Talent Points1 Feat
12 3 3 12 Talent Points1 Talent, 1 Ability Bonus
13 4 4 12 Talent Points1 Feat
14 4 4 12 Talent Points1 Talent
15 4 4 12 Talent Points1 Feat
16 4 4 12 Talent Points1 Talent, 1 Ability Bonus
17 5 5 12 Talent Points1 Feat
18 5 5 12 Talent Points1 Feat
19 5 5 12 Talent Points1 Feat
20 5 5 12 Talent Points1 Feat, 1 Ability Bonus

* Base Attack Bonus, Base Defense Bonus

Talent tree

Talent details

At level one you can select from the following talents:
Water Blast, Surge, Wave, Rushing Flood, Icy Patch, Vaporize, and Healing Wounds

At level two, you may select from any talent for which you meet the requirements. (Talent Key)

two glowing blasts of water rise up out of stone bowls

Water blast

Action: Standard
Requires: No requirements
Description: You bind your ki to a Small quantity of water to target an enemy or a hex, or to deflect an incoming attack
Range: 30 feet
Speed: 8H (8 Hexes per segment)
Effect: Target creature or object
Element: 1 litre of water
Offensive: Attack Bonus + Dex + 2d6
Defensive: Defense Bonus + Dex + 2d6
Damage: Strength x 2 + 1d6 [Bludgeoning]
Special: Creatures targeted by water blast are blinded for the remainder of the segment in which they are attacked, even if the attack does not deal damage. As a free action you may return the water used in the attack back towards you in the following segment
Talent Point Improvements:
□ Extend the range by 10 feet. Maximum range is 120 feet
□ Increase the speed by 1H. Maximum speed is 16H
□□ Increase the Dice bonus of the offensive and defensive formulas by 1d6. (Cost increases)
□□ Increase the Dice bonus of the damage formula by 1d6. (Cost increases)

a meditating hydromancer levitates orbs of water around themself

Defensive stance

Action: Full, Move, Swift
Requires: Level 4
Description: You create spheres of water which orbit you, which you can use to defend against incoming attacks
Range: The orbs can defend attacks that pass within 5 feet of your character
Speed: 6H
Effect: Three orbs of water orbit you
Element: 9 liters of water
Defensive: Defense Bonus + Dex + 2d6
Cooldown: 6 rounds
Special: Creating the orbs and setting them into their orbit around you is a full action. In subsequent rounds, you may spend a move action to defend as many incoming attacks as you have orbs. As a swift action, you may use a single orb to defend against an attack. When an orb defends against an attack, it dissipates. The orbs last 4 rounds and then dissipate
Talent Point Improvements:
□ Extend the range by 5 feet. Maximum range is 30 feet
□ Increase the speed by 1H. Maximum speed is 12H
□□ Increase the Dice bonus of the defensive formula by 1d6. (Cost increases)
□ Reduce the cooldown by 1 round. Minimum cooldown is 1 round
□□□ Increase the number of orbs to 4
□ Extend the duration of the orbs by 1 round

ice crystals and small droplets of frozen water surrounding them


Action: Swift, Standard
Requires: Vaporize, Level 2
Description: You learn how to draw water from the most unconventional sources. You can draw water from soggy earth, from plant life, even straight out of the air. A living creature's ki energy prevents you from binding your ki to the water in their body
Range: 20 feet
Speed: 12H
Effect: Produce water according to the source. Maximum 1 unit
Special: Extracting water is a swift action. Using Extract as a standard action triples the range
Talent Point Improvements:
□ Extend the range by 10 feet. Maximum range is 120 feet
□ Increase the speed by 1H. Maximum speed is 24H
□ Increase the maximum amount of water extracted by 1 unit

two hydromancers locked in combat, water flowing around them and through the surrounding forest

Flow like water

Action: Swift
Requires: Surge, Level 4
Description: With a Swift action, you shift the ki energy in your body, allowing you to temporarily swap two of your ability scores for a number of rounds equal to your Resolve modifier (minimum 1 round)
Range: Self
Cooldown: 6 rounds
Special: You may restore your normal ki as a free action before the duration ends. The cooldown starts the round after your ki returns to normal
Talent Point Improvements:
□ Reduce the required action to Free
□ Reduce the cooldown by 1 round. Minimum cooldown is 1 round
□□□ Increase the duration of the ability swap by 1 round

a ritual ring wrapped in frozen bands


Action: Free
Requires: Water Blast
Description: You learn to modify your water blast, freezing it in order to change the type of damage you do
Range: Self
Effect: Water blast becomes frozen, changing the damage type
Special: You may change your blast into a group of icicles, a spinning ring of ice, or a frosty breath of biting cold. This changes the damage type to Piercing, Slashing, or Burning, respectively
Absolute Zero: Requires unlock. Your attack applies the Bleeding or Burned condition, at your option
Talent Point Improvements:
□□ Unlock Absolute Zero

a silhouette basks in floating healing waters

Heal wounds

Action: Full
Requires: No requirements
Description: You infuse a quantity of water with your ki energy, and apply it to wounds, vastly accelerating the healing process
Range: 5 feet
Speed: 6H
Effect: Target creature receives healing
Element: 1 liter of water
Defensive: Defense Bonus + Dex + 3d6
Healing: Res x 2 + 2d6
Cooldown: 6 rounds
Special: If an opponent attempts to interrupt your healing, their attack is rolled against your defensive formula. If their formula exceeds yours, the action is interrupted
Talent Point Improvements:
□ Reduce the required action to Standard
□ Extend the range by 5 feet. Maximum range is 30 feet
□ Increase the speed by 1H. Maximum speed is 18H
□□ Increase the Dice bonus of the defensive formula by 1d6. (Cost increases)
□□ Increase the Dice bonus of the healing formula by 1d6. (Cost increases)
□ Reduce the cooldown by 1 round. Minimum cooldown is 1 round

a hydromancer stands with a wide stance in a flow of ice

Ice stance

Action: Swift
Requires: Ice Trap
Description: You encase your feet in ice and root yourself to the ground, granting a bonus to maneuvers
Range: Self
Effect: You root yourself in place, gaining a 1d6 bonus to maneuvers
Element: 4 litres of water
Special: You cannot move while in Ice Stance. Removing the ice is a free action. Ice Stance is a fighting stance. You cannot gain the benefits two stances at the same time
Talent Point Improvements:
□ Reduce the required action to Free
□ Increase the maneuver bonus by 1d6. Maximum bonus is 3d6

a hydromancer slides over snow on a frozen block of ice

Ice surfing

Action: Move, Full
Requires: Rushing Flood, Level 2
Description: You create a block of ice and use it to surf on water or ice, up to 3 times your speed as a full round action, or one and a half times your swim or land speed as a single move action
Range: Self
Effect: You create a 5 foot circular slab of ice
Element: 600 litres per 5 foot hex, or 1 unit for every three hexes
Cooldown: 6 rounds
Special: Willing creatures may ride on the slab of ice with you provided there is enough unoccupied space
Talent Point Improvements:
□ Increase the diameter by 5 feet
□ Reduce the cooldown by 1 round. Minimum cooldown is 1 round
□ Increase the maximum speed when used as a full action to 4 times your base speed

a human wades waist deep in an ice flow

Ice trap

Action: Standard
Requires: Icy Patch, Level 2
Description: You move water into the target area and freeze it, causing any creature or object in the affected area to become rooted to the ground
Range: 30 feet
Speed: 6H
Effect: Target hex
Element: 4 litres of water
Offensive: Attack Bonus + Dex + 2d6
Cooldown: 6 rounds
Special: Rooted characters may attempt a Strength Check (difficulty 3) in order to free themselves from the ice. The ice can also be targeted by an attack action made against the offensive formula and is destroyed if the attack is successful. Alternatively, trapped creatures may use a full action to free themselves from the ice. The ice remains for 3 rounds. Larger objects may not be trapped, at GM discretion
Talent Point Improvements:
□ Reduce the required action by one level. Minimum action is Swift
□ Extend the range by 5 feet. Maximum range is 60 feet
□ Increase the speed by 1H. Maximum speed is 12H
□ Increase the offensive formula by 1d6. Total dice may not exceed character level. Maximum dice is 8d6
□ Reduce the cooldown by 1 round. Minimum cooldown is 1 round
□ Extend the number of rounds the ice remains by 1 round. Maximum duration is 6 rounds
□ Increase the target area by one hex

cracks show in a clear frozen lake

Icy patch

Action: Standard
Requires: No requirements
Description: You throw water to the ground and freeze it, creating a slippery patch of ice which makes traction difficult
Range: 20 feet
Speed: 6H
Effect: Target 5 foot hex becomes slick
Element: 5 litres of water
Cooldown: 6 rounds
Special: Icy Patch can be used on any surface to which liquid water can cling. You may distribute the area in any connected sequence of hexes that your water is able to reach. When used on the ground, the ground becomes slippery which modifies balance checks made to traverse the area. The area remains icy for 12 rounds under normal conditions, 6 rounds in hot conditions, and 36 rounds in cold conditions
Talent Point Improvements:
□ Reduce the required action by one level. Minimum action is Swift
□ Extend the range by 10 feet. Maximum range is 120 feet
□ Increase the speed by 1H
□ Increase the number of affected hexes by 2. This increases the water requirement by 10 litres
□ Reduce the cooldown by 1 round. Minimum cooldown is 1 round

a bottle of glowing, swirling liquid


Action: Full
Requires: Heal Wounds, Level 2
Description: You infuse a quantity of water with your ki energy which imbues the water with restorative power. If imbibed, it can heal diseases and internal maladies
Range: 15 feet
Speed: 6H
Effect: Target water
Element: 1/2 liter of water
Offensive Formula: Attack Bonus + Dex + 2d6
Healing Formula: Defense Bonus + Res + 2d6
Cooldown: 6 rounds
Special: Once per day per target, when you heal the target with Remedy, it gains an additional ability check (at advantage) to attempt recovery from a disease, illness, malady, or poison. As a part of creating the healing tonic, you may also move the water with the range to its intended target, offering to them to drink
Talent Point Improvements:
□ Reduce the required action to Standard
□ Extend the range 15 feet and the speed by 1H. Maximum range is 60 feet
□ Increase the hit formulas by 1d6. Total dice may not exceed character level. Maximum dice is 8d6
□□ Increase the Dice bonus of the healing formula by 1d6. (Cost increases)
□ Reduce the cooldown by 1 round. Minimum cooldown is 1 round

a twisting stream of water picks up a hydromancer

Rushing flood

Action: Standard
Requires: No requirements
Description: You create a shifting wave of water that you use to carry you or an ally to safety, or to relocate an enemy
Range: Self, 15 feet
Speed: 4H
Effect: A small wave of water that shifts
Element: 2 Units of water
Offensive: Attack Bonus + Dex + 2d6
Defensive: Defense Bonus + Dex + 2d6
Cooldown: 6 rounds
Special: The water must originate from within your range. The water carries any object or willing creature caught in its path up to 30 feet. If a creature successfully defends against this attack, they are only carried half the distance
Talent Point Improvements:
□ Reduce the required action to Move
□ Extend the range by 5 feet. Maximum range is 60 feet
□ Increase the speed by 1H
□ Increase the hit formulas by 1d6. Total dice may not exceed character level. Maximum dice is 8d6
□ Reduce the cooldown by 1 round. Minimum cooldown is 1 round
□ Increase the distance the objects are moved 5 feet. Maximum distance is 40 feet

a sphere of water rests on a serene surface


Action: Full, Move
Requires: Wave, Level 4
Description: You draw water around you and then push it out in a rotating sphere of water
Range: Self
Speed: 4H
Effect: Sphere of water with radius of 15 feet
Element: 10 Units of water for a full sphere
Offensive: Attack Bonus + Res + 2d6
Defensive: Defense Bonus + Res + 2d6
Cooldown: 6 rounds
Special: Creating the sphere requires a full action. You may maintain the sphere with a move action in subsequent rounds, up to Res rounds. You may pull the sphere inwards in subsequent rounds. Creatures making unsuccessful defensive action against the sphere are caught in the sphere, and are moved backwards or forwards with the movement of the sphere until the sphere ends or they make a successful defensive action against it, but are otherwise able to act normally
Talent Point Improvements:
□ Reduce the action required to create the sphere to Standard
□ Increase the speed by 1H
□□ Extend the radius of the sphere and the distance creatures are pushed back by 5 feet
□ Increase the hit formulas by 1d6. Total dice may not exceed character level. Maximum dice is 8d6
□ Reduce the cooldown by 1 round. Minimum cooldown is 1 round

a hydromancer rides on a rolling twist of water spouts


Action: Full
Requires: Sphere
Description: You may use Spout in two ways:
Offensively: You sweep water towards and around the target creature, swirling them around in a 10 foot spout, rendering them unable to act for one round
Defensively: As a move action, you create a swirling water spout that carries you 15 feet up into the air at your normal speed, enveloping your legs, but leaving your hands free
Range: 15 feet (offensively)
Speed: 4H (offensively)
Effect: Create water spout
Element: 1 unit of water per 5 feet of length of the water spout
Offensive: Attack Bonus + Dex + 2d6
Defensive: Defense Bonus + Res + 2d6
Cooldown: 12 rounds

  • Defensively: While in the spout, you have advantage when defending yourself. You may maintain the spout in subsequent rounds using a swift action. You may only take the Walk, Dodge, or step movement actions when moving. Creatures hit by the spout are pushed to the nearest open space or are knocked prone. The spout may be targeted by an attack and is dispersed if hit
  • Offensively: The water moves from its source to the target at the speed before enveloping the target. The source of water and the target must be within the range. The target creature must make a defensive action against the offensive formula or be caught in the spout. Other players can target the spout even after it has captured a creature. If they exceed the original offensive formula, the spout is dispersed and the creature inside is unharmed

Talent Point Improvements:
□ Extend the range when used offensively by 5 feet. Maximum range is 30 feet
□ Increase the speed when used offensively by 1H. Maximum speed is 12H
□□ Extend the duration when used offensively by 1 segment. Maximum duration is 5 segments
□□ Increase the hit formulas by 1d6. Total dice may not exceed character level. Maximum dice is 8d6
□ Reduce the cooldown by 1 round. Minimum cooldown is 6 rounds

a glowing flow of water streams upward into the sky


Action: Swift
Requires: No requirements
Description: You focus your training on improving the ability of your choice
Effect: When you first select this talent, select an ability. When used, you gain a +2 bonus to that ability for 1 round. When you use this ability, you elevate your ki energy. To anyone within 60 feet, your ki gives off a surging, turbulent aura
Cooldown: 12 rounds
Talent Point Improvements:
□ Reduce the cooldown by 1 round. Minimum cooldown is 6 rounds
□□ The bonus increases from +2 to +4. Requires 8 levels in Hydromancer
□□ The bonus increases from +4 to +6. Requires 12 levels in Hydromancer
□ When using a swift action to activate this talent, you may also simultaneously activate Flow like Water, provided you have that talent and it is not on cooldown

two shoes stand on a sheet of ice, and vaporized water flows up out of them


Action: Standard
Requires: No requirements
Description: You vaporize a tiny amount of water, creating a cloud of vapor which obscures sight, granting concealment
Range: 20 feet
Speed: 10H
Effect: Cylinder with a diameter of 20 feet, 30 feet tall. Dissipates after 3 rounds
Element: Minimum 1 cubic centimeter of water
Defensive: Defense Bonus + Res + 2d6
Cooldown: 6 rounds
Special: Water must move from the player to the target location, which may be anywhere within the target cylinder. Water vapor then moves out from the target location. Vaporize can be used in conjunction with Extract to purify water. Attacks that generate wind in an attempt to displace the vapor must exceed the defensive formula
Talent Point Improvements:
□ Reduce the required action by one level. Minimum action is Swift
□ Extend the range by 10 feet. Maximum range is 120 feet
□ Increase the diameter by 5 feet
□ Extend the duration by 1 round
□ Increase the defensive formula by 1d6. Total dice may not exceed character level. Maximum dice is 8d6
□ Reduce the cooldown by 1 round. Minimum cooldown is 1 round

a hydromancer raises two large blocks of ice out of a pool of water

Wall of ice

Action: Full
Requires: Ice Trap
Description: Create a wall of ice that hampers enemy movement and blocks attacks
Range: 20 Feet
Speed: 12H
Effect: A wall of ice 10 feet high and 5 feet thick, in a line 25 feet long
Element: 8 Units of water
Hit Points: Res + 1d6
Cooldown: 6 rounds
Special: If water is at the target location, the entire wall begins to rise, simultaneously. Otherwise, water moves at speed to the location before the wall rises. The range denotes the center point of the wall. The orientation of the wall is the choice of the binder. Rules governing walls
Talent Point Improvements:
□ Reduce the required action to Standard
□ Extend the range by 5 feet. Maximum range is 60 feet
□ Increase the speed of the wall by 1H
□ Increase the maximum length of the wall by 10 feet
□ Increase the maximum height of the wall by 5 feet. This increases the required depth to create the wall
□□ Increase the maximum width of the wall to 10 feet
□□ Increase the Dice bonus of the hit point formula by 1d6. (Cost increases)
□ Reduce the cooldown by 1 round. Minimum cooldown is 1 round

a huge twisting wave of water


Action: Standard
Requires: No requirements
Description: You create a wave of water that damages enemies or creates a shield of water
Range: 30 feet
Speed: 6H
Effect: A wave of water 15 feet wide
Element: 3 Units of water
Offensive: Attack Bonus + Res + 2d6
Defensive: Defense Bonus + Res + 2d6
Damage: Strength x 2 + 1d6 [Bludgeoning]
Cooldown: 6 rounds
Special: You create a wave of water that begins at the source of the required water, and must start within the range. The wave may then travel up to the range in any path you choose
Wave may be used defensively provided that the source water is positioned to do so. When used in this way, the water surges upward in three hexes which must be adjacent to the binder and to one another. The surge is 10 feet high, blocking any attacks in the segment it is used and the following segment. If the wave successfully defends against an attack, it remains in place, potentially blocking other incoming attacks. Otherwise, it dissipates and blocks no subsequent attacks
Talent Point Improvements:
□ Extend the range by 5 feet. Maximum range is 60 feet
□ Increase the speed by 1H. Maximum speed is 18H
□ Increase the width of the wave to 20 feet. This increases the required water by 1 unit
□□ Increase the Dice bonus of the offensive and defensive formula by 1d6. (Cost increases)
□□ Increase the Dice bonus of the damage formula by 1d6. (Cost increases)
□ Reduce the cooldown by 1 round. Minimum cooldown is 1 round

a hydromancer swings a whip of water at their enemy


Action: Standard, Full
Requires: Water Blast
Description: You lash out with whips of water that sweep forward and crack like physical whips, returning back to your hand
Range: 15 feet
Speed: 6H
Effect: A whip of water
Element: 20 litres of water
Offensive: Inherited from Water Blast
Defensive: Inherited from Water Blast
Damage: Inherited from Water Blast
Cooldown: 6 rounds
Special: Attacking with a standard action grants one attack and does not invoke the cooldown. Using a full action grants two attacks which must be used in separate segments, which invokes the cooldown. The cooldown only prevents use as a full action
Talent Point Improvements:
□ Extend the range by 5 feet. Maximum range is 30 feet
□ Increase the speed by 1H. Maximum speed is 12H
□ Reduce the cooldown by 1 round. Minimum cooldown is 1 round

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wiki/hydromancer.txt · Last modified: 2022/09/25 21:07 by caleymccready