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skill (int or res)


Bluff is a contested skill, matching your score versus the Sense Motive score of the person or creature you are trying to bluff. Bluffing is concept oriented rather than combat oriented. You try to deceive someone using your words and actions. You must decide your deception before the roll is determined


Impersonation is a contested skill, matching your score against the Sense Motive score of the creature you are intending to deceive. You use mannerisms, speech, and body language to pass yourself off as a type of person or a specific person, provided the target is not intimately familiar with the person you are impersonating

If you have time to disguise yourself, you gain advantage on Impersonation checks


Persuade is a contested skill, pitted against the character's diplomacy. The initiating character must decide in advance which concept or idea of which they wish to persuade their target. Persuade cannot be used to convince someone of something that is obviously false, to change their mind on a previously held belief, or to persuade them to take actions that are contrary to their disposition. Additionally, the defender will often have advantage, at GM discretion

Read lips

In order to be able to read lips, you must have the natural ability to understand the language in question. Learning this skill requires at least one month of daily study before it can be used. You must be able to see the target speaking

Sense motive

The primary use of Sense Motive is to counter a bluff skill, and your score is pitted against the Bluff score of the creature trying to deceive you.

Additionally, you can use it to assess the attitude of a potentially threatening creature as with Animal Handling (Sense Motive), but at disadvantage


Negotiation is a contested skill, your score versus the negotiation score of the person you are negotiating with. The winner of the check gains a contested point that is being negotiated. A complex negotiation may include several points of negotiation. In this case, winning a check by 2 or more gives you advantage on your next point of negotiation

If you are negotiating price, the winner moves the price 10% in their favor. For every point over your opponent's score, you sway the price an additional 10%

Action: 3 Full actions minimum
Try again: One additional attempt but at disadvantage

Knowledge society

You have knowledge of all ranks in society and their inner workings. You are familiar with social protocol in a wide array of situations. Answering a question regarding societal workings or etiquette requires a check correlating to the difficulty of the question (Easy, Moderate, Hard, Near Impossible)

Training someone in proper etiquette is a DC 2 (Hard) and requires a minimum of half a day to train someone for a simple situation, a day for a more complex situation, and around a week for constant interaction in a societal group

Knowledge politics

You have knowledge of the political world and its workings, both now, and throughout history. Answering a question regarding politics or the history of politics requires a check correlating to the difficulty of the question (Easy, Moderate, Hard, Near Impossible)

wiki/diplomacy.txt · Last modified: 2019/09/29 19:13 by caleymccready