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Fire adept

[advent class]

Rules governing Advent classes

Fire Adepts are master Pyromancers that further dedicate themselves to the element of fire, learning advanced techniques that extend a pyromancer's command over fire. Adepts are well known for their prowess with the elements and Fire Adepts consider themselves to be the most powerful masters among the four elements

The abilities of the Fire Adept are flamboyant, expansive, and visually dramatic. A cunning Fire Adept will use these abilities to dominate not just the physical battlefield, but also the mental, letting their awesome power strike fear into the hearts of their enemies

While the majority of the Fire Adept's abilities focus on normal fire, a portion are dedicated purely to the Path of Peace. Though they are peaceful in focus, they are no less striking, adding a new dimension to the pacificist pyromancer

Air Adept Advent Class Level Table

Level Talent PointsLevel Bonuses
1 10 Talent Points1 Talent
2 10 Talent Points1 Talent
3 10 Talent Points5 Bonus Talent Points
4 10 Talent Points1 Talent
5 15 Talent Points1 Feat
6 15 Talent Points1 Talent
7 15 Talent Points5 Bonus Talent Points
8 15 Talent Points1 Talent
9 20 Talent Points1 Feat
10 20 Talent Points10 Bonus Talent Points

Talent tree

Talent details


Action: Passive
Requires: Level 12 Pyromancer
Description: Your study of fire lends you expertise when inspecting damage caused by fire
Range: Self
Effect: Advantage on skill checks made regarding fire
Special: When making skill checks that are related to fire, the damage that fire causes and its aftermath, you gain advantage. Applies to Wilderness survival, Investigation, Medicine, or Recall knowledge checks. Example: You investigate a battleground in which fire was used for evidence determining how long ago the battle took place

a field of stars spreading out from a galactic core

Astral field

Action: Full
Requires: Photosynthesis, Path of Peace
Description: Small orbs wink into existence in a dazzling array, resembling a beautiful swirling galaxy. The space between the orbs seems to darken
Range: 20 feet
Speed: N/A
Effect: After 2 segments, allies within the range are healed
Healing: Resolve x 4 + 6d6
Cooldown: 12 rounds
Special: The orbs wink into existence over two segments. In the third segment, creatures within the range recieve healing. This healing cannot be disrupted by enemy interference. In order to execute this move, you must be charged with energy via Photosynthesis
Talent Point Improvements:
□ Reduce the required action to Standard
□ Extend the range by 5 feet. Maximum range is 30 feet
□□□□□ □□□□□ Increase the dice bonus of the healing formula by 1d6. (Cost increases)
□ Reduce the cooldown by 1 round. Minimum cooldown is 6 rounds

a pyromancer flys hovers, emitting a column of flames and smoke


Action: Passive
Requires: Boost, Jet
Description: You master the movements neccessary to hover in place with your jets
Range: Self
Effect: Your hover speed increases by 1H
Talent Point Improvements:
□□ You gain the ability to maintain a hover in place with a Free action

an explosion of fire leaves a wake of smoke waves


Action: Move
Requires: Level 12 Pyromancer
Description: Using quick burst of fire, you give yourself a movement boost
Range: Self
Speed: Your Dash speed
Effect: You move at your Dash speed for two segments
Cooldown: 12 rounds
Special: Your movement must be in a straight line
Talent Point Improvements:
□ Reduce the required action to Swift
□ Reduce the cooldown by 1 round. Minimum cooldown is 6 rounds

a genie of fire rises up

Dancing flames

Action: Standard
Requires: Level 12 Pyromancer
Description: You cause a swirling and dazzling, hypnotic array of flames to disorient your enemies
Range: 15 feet
Speed: 4H
Effect: Target area in a 60° cone
Cooldown: 12 rounds
Special: Creatures within the target area must make an Intelligence vs Resolve Ability Check or they are Disoriented for 2 rounds
Talent Point Improvements:
□ Extend the range by 5 feet. Maximum range is 30 feet
□□ Increase the dice rolled on your Ability Check by 1d6. Maximum increase is 2d6
□ Reduce the cooldown by 1 round. Minimum cooldown is 6 rounds

a tornado of fire swirls up into the sky

Dragon's twist

Action: Full
Requires: Dancing Flames
Description: You create a vortex of flames, enveloping your target and raising them off the ground
Range: 15 feet
Speed: 4H
Effect: Create a swirling vortex of fire around target creature for two rounds
Offensive: Attack Bonus + Dex + 6d6
Defensive: Defense Bonus + Res + 6d6
Damage: Strength x 2 + 6d6 [Burning]
Cooldown: 12 rounds
Special: This move can be used to defensively block incoming attacks, persisting into a second round. Pick a target hex within the range. The vortex can block attacks that pass through it's hex. Once it fails to defend against an attack, it is dissapated
Talent Point Improvements:
□ Extend the range by 5 feet. Maximum range is 30 feet
□ Increase the speed by 1H. Maximum speed is 12H
□□□□□ □□□□□ Increase the dice bonus of the offensive and defensive formula by 1d6. (Cost increases)
□□□□□ □□□□□ Increase the dice bonus of the damage formula by 1d6. (Cost increases)
□ Reduce the cooldown by 1 round. Minimum cooldown is 6 rounds

a swarm of yellow fireflies


Action: Full
Requires: Level 12 Pyromancer, Path of Peace
Description: You create a flowing swarm of tiny orbs of lights that resemble fireflies. The flow moves from ally to ally, healing them
Range: 15 feet
Speed: 8H
Effect: Target creature, jumping to a second target
Defensive: Defense Bonus + Dex + 6d6
Healing: Resolve x 2 + 6d6
Cooldown: 12 rounds
Special: The fireflies jump to a second target of your choosing that is within 20 feet of the first target. The first target must be within the range; secondary targets may be outside the range
Talent Point Improvements:
□ Reduce the required action to Standard
□□□ Increase the number of jumps to two
□ Extend the range by 5 feet. Maximum range is 30 feet
□□□□□ □□□□□ Increase the dice bonus of the healing formula by 1d6. (Cost increases)
□ Reduce the cooldown by 1 round. Minimum cooldown is 6 rounds

columns of fire snake down an orange sky


Action: Full
Requires: Ashes
Description: You cause fireballs to rain down on your enemies
Range: 20 feet
Speed: Instant
Effect: Three blooms at target hexes
Offensive: Attack Bonus + Dex + 6d6
Defensive: Defense Bonus + Dex + 6d6
Damage: Strength x 3 + 6d6 [Burning]
Cooldown: 12 rounds
Talent Point Improvements:
□ Extend the range by 5 feet. Maximum range is 60 feet
□□□□□ □□□□□ Increase the dice bonus of the offensive and defensive formula by 1d6. (Cost increases)
□□□□□ □□□□□ Increase the dice bonus of the damage formula by 1d6. (Cost increases)
□ Reduce the cooldown by 1 round. Minimum cooldown is 6 rounds

a nebula of fire in the shape of a twisting bird


Action: Full
Requires: Fireflies
Description: You surround the target in a swirl of light orbs that grow in brightness, healing the target
Range: 15 feet
Speed: Instant
Effect: Orbs envelop target creature
Healing: Resolve x 4 + 12d6
Cooldown: 12 rounds
Special: This healing cannot be disrupted by enemy interference. The orbs grow in number and brightness in the first segment. In the second segment, the target must close their eyes or become Blinded for 2 rounds. In the third segment, the target is healed on your initiative count, after which the light is dispelled and the target may open their eyes without being blinded
Talent Point Improvements:
□ Extend the range by 5 feet. Maximum range is 30 feet
□□□□□ □□□□□ Increase the dice bonus of the damage formula by 1d6. (Cost increases)
□ Reduce the cooldown by 1 round. Minimum cooldown is 6 rounds

a shimmering leaf burns with energy


Action: Passive
Requires: Level 12 Pyromancer, Path of Peace
Description: Your connection to the light allows you to absorb energy as it hits your skin
Range: Self
Effect: Your dietary needs are reduced, you gain energy for use with Astral Field
Charging: You can gain energy for Astral Field as follows

  • Within a star system, from a star's direct light, 2 hours
  • In interstellar space, from the distant starlight, 12 hours

Special: After taking this talent, you gain sustenance from light. Your dietary needs are reduced to a single meal, provided you spend several hours in starlight. You do not gain all the vitamins and minerals you need from the process, and must get it from food, though your requirements are drastically reduced. You can go 30 days without normal food before malnutrition from these missing elements starts to cause any significant problems. Removing substantial amounts of clothing can double the charging rate
Talent Point Improvements:
□ Reduce the amount of time required to charge by 10 minutes within a star system and 1 hour without. Minimum charge times are 1 hour and 6 hours, respectively

a powerful jet of fire extends from a shadowy claw


Action: Full
Requires: Level 12 Pyromancer
Description: You learn to concentrate, condensing and intensifying your fire into a searing jet that melts and cuts its way through matter
Range: 5 feet
Speed: Immediate
Effect: Target object or hex
Damage: Strength x 3 + 12d6 [Burning]
Cooldown: 12 rounds
Special: Due to the concentration necessary, this ability cannot be used on moving targets. The jet is about 18 inches in length, extending from your open palm. This ability is still effective in dealing damage if you have the Path of Peace talent
Talent Point Improvements:
□□□□□ □□□□□ Increase the dice bonus of the damage formula by 1d6. (Cost increases)
□ Reduce the cooldown by 1 round. Minimum cooldown is 6 rounds

a geometric compass of fire traces out a circle of fire

Ring of flames

Action: Full
Requires: Level 12 Pyromancer
Description: You create a swirling ring of flames that encircles you in fire
Range: 15 feet
Speed: 8H
Effect: A ring of flames with a radius of up to 15 feet, centered on the player, with flames 1 hex wide
Offensive: Attack Bonus + Int + 6d6
Defensive: Defense Bonus + Int + 6d6
Damage: Strength x 2 + 6d6 [Burning]
Cooldown: 12 rounds
Special: Pick a hex at the desired range. The flames start at this location, moving clockwise or counter-clockwise in a circle, at the speed. If you move, the ring of flames moves with you
Talent Point Improvements:
□ Reduce the required action to Standard
□ Extend the range by 5 feet. Maximum range is 30 feet
□ Increase the speed by 1H. Maximum speed is 18H
□□□□□ □□□□□ Increase the dice bonus of the offensive and defensive formulas by 1d6. (Cost increases)
□□□□□ □□□□□ Increase the dice bonus of the damage formula by 1d6. (Cost increases)
□ Reduce the cooldown by 1 round. Minimum cooldown is 6 rounds

a monk with a halo of fire and burning hands

Searing hands

Action: Swift
Requires: Wreathing Fire
Description: As you perform a maneuver which involves hand contact, you wreathe your hands in flame, searing your opponent
Range: 5 feet
Effect: Target creature affected by your maneuver
Cooldown: 6 rounds
Special: On a successful maneuver against an adjacent target, when spending a maneuver point to deal damage, you may deal an additional 1d6 [Burning] damage
Talent Point Improvements:
□ Reduce the cooldown by 1 round. Minimum cooldown is 1 round

a warrior surrounded by a column of fire that twists into the night sky

Wreathing fire

Action: Swift
Requires: Level 12 Pyromancer
Description: You wreathe your body in flames as a defensive mechanism
Range: Self
Effect: You are engulfed in flames for 2 segments
Damage: Strength x 2 + 4d6 [Burning]
Cooldown: 12 rounds
Special: If another creature touches you, they take damage according to the damage formula. Unarmed strikes, and grapple maneuvers are examples of attacks that require physical contact. Other maneuvers, such as trip, may require physical contact, at GM discretion
Talent Point Improvements:
□ Extend the duration by 1 segment. Maximum duration is 4 segments
□□□□□ □□□□□ Increase the dice bonus of the damage formula by 1d6. (Cost increases)
□ Reduce the cooldown by 1 round. Minimum cooldown is 6 rounds

wiki/fire adept.txt · Last modified: 2022/09/13 21:57 by caleymccready