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wiki:air adept

Air adept

[advent class]


Rules governing Advent classes

Air Adepts are master Aeromancers that further dedicate themselves to the element of air, learning advanced techniques that bring them ever closer to becoming one with wind itself. These techniques serve a variety of functions including offense, defense, utility, and movement. As with Aeromancer, the physical utility and movement options Air Adept offers are quite strong. These abilities can enhance or complement the standard Aeromancer toolkit

Air Adepts must cultivate a strong sense of discipline while maintaining flexibility, adaptability, and freedom of spirit. This delicate balance allows them to unlock the full power inherent in the wind, while also giving them ability to guide that power. Achieving these qualities requires focused, intentional personal development. As Water Adepts share this same challenge, Air and Water Adepts often share a bond of understanding

Air Adept Advent Class Level Table

Level Talent PointsLevel Bonuses
1 10 Talent Points1 Talent
2 10 Talent Points1 Talent
3 10 Talent Points5 Bonus Talent Points
4 10 Talent Points1 Talent
5 15 Talent Points1 Feat
6 15 Talent Points1 Talent
7 15 Talent Points5 Bonus Talent Points
8 15 Talent Points1 Talent
9 20 Talent Points1 Feat
10 20 Talent Points10 Bonus Talent Points

Art by John Latta

Talent tree

Talent details


Action: Standard
Requires: Level 12 Aeromancer
Description: You create a sphere of microturbulence which prevents sound from escaping or entering the sphere
Range: 10 feet
Speed: 4H
Effect: Create a sphere with a radius of 5 feet centered on the target hex
Cooldown: 12 rounds
Special: If you create the sphere around yourself, you can create a space inside the sphere where sound travels normally
Talent Point Improvements:
□ Reduce the required action to Move
□ Extend the range by 10 feet. Maximum range is 60 feet
□ Increase the speed by 1H. Maximum speed is 18H
□ Reduce the cooldown by 1 round. Minimum cooldown is 6 rounds
□□□ Extend the radius of the sphere by 5 feet. Maximum radius is 15 feet

an aeromancer pulls a stormy sky down toward themselves


Action: Standard
Requires: Level 12 Aeromancer
Description: You learn to twist and pull the wind, letting the currents bring your target to you
Range: 20 feet
Speed: 1H
Effect: A stream of air 10 feet high and 5 feet wide, in a line between you and the target for three segments
Cooldown: 12 rounds
Special: You can target Medium objects or smaller. The objects move toward you at a speed of 1H
Talent Point Improvements:
□ Reduce the required action to Move
□ Extend the range by 10 feet. Maximum range is 60 feet
□ Reduce the cooldown by 1 round. Minimum cooldown is 6 rounds
□□ Increase the speed objects move toward you by 1H. Maximum speed is 8H

a blue eye gazes at the viewer, surrounded by a chaotic storm above a turbulent sea

Eye of the wind

Action: Full
Requires: Grasp the Wind
Description: You tap into the currents around you, allowing you to feel the flow of air near you. Through training, you have learned to harness this as a sixth sense, using it as a rough 'sight' to see beyond normal vision
Range: Self
Speed: 20H
Effect: You can visualize the air currents within 200 feet
Cooldown: 12 rounds
Special: Within the area of effect, you can identify terrain features, such as cliffs, pits, bluffs, trees, or buildings. The GM will describe the surrounding area and the features you sense. In addition, you gain the following concrete bonuses when using this ability:

Talent Point Improvements:
□ Reduce the required action to Standard
□ Extend the range you can visualize by 100 feet. Maximum range is 1,200 feet
□ Increase the speed by 5H. Maximum speed is 60H
□ Reduce the cooldown by 1 round. Minimum cooldown is 6 rounds

an aeromancer floats in the sky, swept up in a rushing cloud

Grasp the wind

Action: Standard
Requires: Level 12 Aeromancer
Description: You tap into the currents around you, allowing you to feel the flow of air near you, allowing you to fight without the use of your normal sight
Range: Self
Speed: 6H
Effect: You can sense the currents up to 10 feet around you for 1 round
Cooldown: 12 rounds
Special: You can track the movements of anything that disburbs the air currents, including projectiles, even if you cannot detect the objects via your normal senses. This allows you to target or defend against these creatures or objects. This ability does not give enough detail to distinguish one person from another of similar size and shape. The speed represents the increasing area of currents through which you can see as you activate this skill
Talent Point Improvements:
□ Reduce the required action by one level. Minimum action is Swift
□ Extend the range you can visualize by 5 feet. Maximum distance is 60 feet
□ Increase the speed by 3H. Maximum speed is 18H
□ Reduce the cooldown by 1 round. Minimum cooldown is 6 rounds

an aeromancer rushes forward surrounded by a cloud of dust


Action: Move
Requires: Level 12 Aeromancer
Description: You create a gust of wind that propels you forward
Range: Self
Speed: Your Dash speed
Effect: You move your Dash speed for two segments
Cooldown: 12 rounds
Special: Your movement must be in a straight line
Talent Point Improvements:
□ Reduce the required action to Swift
□ Reduce the cooldown by 1 round. Minimum cooldown is 6 rounds

an aeromancer levitates in a tornado of black and gold smoke


Action: Passive
Requires: Level 12 Aeromancer
Description: You become a master of directing currents of air to keep you aloft without swift movements
Range: Self
Effect: Your hover speed increases by 1H
Talent Point Improvements:
□ You gain the ability to maintain a hover in place with a Free action

a downpour of icy rain

Hundred needle strike

Action: Standard
Requires: Slice
Description: You learn to focus your air blasts into sharp points, and train until you are able to create a hailstorm of these attacks, launching them in a torrent of peircing attacks that overwhelm your enemies
Range: 20 feet
Speed: 12H
Effect: You launch an attack sending needles from 10 feet behind you towards your opponent. The attack is a circle, 15 feet wide and 15 tall
Offensive: Attack Bonus + Dex + 6d6
Defensive: Defense Bonus + Dex + 6d6
Damage: Strength x 2 + 6d6 [Piercing]
Cooldown: 12 rounds
Special: Alternatively, this strike can be used vertically, materializing above the target(s). This causes the strike to be instant, but decreases the total area affected by the strike, as it does not traverse the distance between you and the target
Talent Point Improvements:
□ Extend the range by 5 feet. Maximum range is 60 feet
□ Increase the speed by 1H. Maximum speed is 24H
□□□□□ □□□□□ Increase the dice bonus of the offensive and defensive formulas by 1d6. (Cost increases)
□□□□□ □□□□□ Increase the dice bonus of the damage formula by 1d6. (Cost increases)
□ Reduce the cooldown by 1 round. Minimum cooldown is 6 rounds

an aeromancer dances with the wind

Natural movement

Action: Free
Requires: Level 12 Aeromancer, Level 2 Air Adept
Description: Your training renders your movements as fluid as air. You do not need to think before acting, you simply act, always with the grain of the wind, never against it
Effect: You may initate any two action types in the same segment
Cooldown: 12 rounds
Special: This does not grant you addtional actions
Talent Point Improvements:
□ Reduce the cooldown by 1 round. Minimum cooldown is 6 rounds
□ Standing up from the prone position only costs 5 feet of movement
□ When using a swift action to make a 5 foot step, you make take a 10 foot step instead

a sphere of gold and blue cloud


Action: Standard
Requires: Level 12 Aeromancer, Level 6 Air Adept
Description: You create a rapidly spinning sphere of air around you that deflects incoming attacks
Range: Self
Speed: Instant
Effect: A sphere of air in your current hex blocks attacks for 1 segment
Cooldown: 12 rounds
Special: The sphere deflects any Medium object, projectile, or attack that attempts to pass through the torrent. Attacks or objects that are Large or larger can move through the sphere unhindered, but creatures must be Huge or larger to pass through the sphere unhindered. The sphere is fixed in place, and you cannot attack, move through the sphere, or move objects through the sphere. As a free action you may end the sphere early
Talent Point Improvements:
□ Reduce the cooldown by 1 round. Minimum cooldown is 6 rounds
□□□ Extend the duration of the sphere by 1 segment. Maximum duration is 4 segments
□□□ Extend the radius of the sphere to 5 feet
□□□ Gain the ability to move while the sphere is active. The sphere moves with you

a mindbending twist of cloud, lighting, and light


Action: Standard
Requires: Level 12 Aeromancer, Level 4 Air Adept, Barrier
Description: You are able to create currents so swift, they create a shockwave that deafens and disorients creatures in its wake
Range: 20 feet
Speed: 12H
Effect: A stream of air 5 feet wide shoots out toward the target hex, with a wake 5 feet long on either side flowing out at a 60° behind the tip of the stream
Offensive: Attack Bonus + Res + 3d6
Cooldown: 12 rounds
Special: Creatures caught in the shockwave are pushed back 5 feet. Creatures caught in the shockwave must make a Resolve vs Strength Ability Check or they are disoriented and deafened for 1 round
Talent Point Improvements:
□ Extend the range by 5 feet. Maximum range is 120 feet
□ Increase the speed by 1H. Maximum speed is 18H
□□□ Increase the width of the wake to 10 feet
□□ Increase the dice rolled on your Ability Check by 1d6. Maximum increase is 2d6
□ Reduce the cooldown by 1 round. Minimum cooldown is 6 rounds
□ Extend the duration the target is deafened by 2 segments. Maximum duration is 3 rounds

a ring of clouds with a gleaming sharp edge


Action: Standard
Requires: Level 12 Aeromancer
Description: You learn a technique for making a turbulence in a sweeping air attack that is particularly good at cutting through inorganic matter
Range: 20 feet
Speed: 10H
Effect: Target 30° cone
Damage: Intelligence x 2 + 8d6 [Slashing]
Cooldown: 12 rounds
Special: This move automatically hits, dealing the damage formula to objects in the target hexes. The wave does not damage organic matter
Talent Point Improvements:
□ Reduce the required action to Move
□ Extend the range by 5 feet. Maximum range is 60 feet
□□□ Increase the arc from 30° to 60°
□□□□□ □□□□□ Increase the dice bonus of the damage formula by 1d6. (Cost increases)
□ Reduce the cooldown by 1 round. Minimum cooldown is 6 rounds

a huge vortex of water rises from a serene lake


Action: Standard, Full
Requires: Level 12 Aeromancer, Level 4 Air Adept
Description: You create a swirling vortex, pulling objects and creatures into the vortex
Range: Self
Speed: 2H
Effect: A cylindrical vortex of air 10 feet high with a radius of 15 feet pulls objects toward you
Cooldown: 12 rounds
Special: Objects with the area that are Medium or smaller move toward you at a speed of 2H. When used as a standard action the stream lasts 2 segments. When used as a Full action, the stream lasts 4 segments
Talent Point Improvements:
□ Extend the radius by 5 feet. Maximum radius is 30 feet
□ Increase the speed objects move toward you by 1H. Maximum speed is 4H
□ Reduce the cooldown by 1 round. Minimum cooldown is 6 rounds

wiki/air adept.txt · Last modified: 2022/09/21 13:02 by caleymccready