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[advent class]

Rules governing Advent classes

Nahkon Envoy The Order of the Northern Stars is an orgranization that transcends empires, training the ambassadors, diplomats, and negotiators that serve as the first line of defense against the impending galactic conflict. The Order is well known for its rigorous training and the competence of its members. Retaining an adherant's services is not only a pragmatic choice, but also a symbol of status and influence

A special rank is given to members strong enough to complete the Anhata Ki Ritual, a grueling 6 day ritual that permanently shifts the ki pathways surrounding the heart chakra. These individuals are given the rank of Envoy, and are able to sense the emotions of others. Those fortunate enough to earn this title have the perogative to accept missions as they see fit, and cannot be forced to accept an assignment

Envoy are a unique breed, an eclectic group with little in common except their rare empathic ability and an undefinable quality they inexplicably share

Trident Advent Class Level Table

Level Talent PointsLevel Bonuses
1 10 Talent Points1 Talent
2 10 Talent Points1 Talent
3 10 Talent Points5 Bonus Talent Points
4 10 Talent Points1 Talent
5 15 Talent Points1 Feat
6 15 Talent Points1 Talent
7 15 Talent Points5 Bonus Talent Points
8 15 Talent Points1 Talent
9 20 Talent Points1 Feat
10 20 Talent Points10 Bonus Talent Points

Talent tree

Talent details


Action: Swift
Description: The Envoy undergoes a gruelling ki ritual under the guidance of one or more arch-envoy. This ritual typically takes place in the great hall, channelling the unique ki of the Unity Diamond. This permanently transforms the Envoy, irrevocably shifting their ki
Range: 20 feet
Speed: Instant

  • -4 penalty to Strength score
  • +4 bonus to Dexterity score
  • +2 bonus to Intelligence score
  • -4 penalty to Resolve score
  • -4d6 penalty to Stealth
  • +4d6 bonus to Perception rolls made to detect sentient creatures
  • +1 bonus to Diplomacy
  • -1 penalty to Animal handling

Special: Sensing the emotions of a sentient creature requires a swift action
Talent Point Improvements:
□□ Extend the range of empathy by 10 feet

a golden coat of arms


Action: Standard
Requires: Resilience
Description: The Envoy forms an emotional bond with an unwitting creature, strengthening their mental and emotional fortitude. Once formed, the bond allows the Envoy to sense the target creature's emotions
Range: 10 feet
Speed: Instant
Effect: Form a bond with target creature within the range. Target creature receives a +1d6 bonus to Intelligence and Resolve Checks while the bond is active
Cooldown: 12 rounds

  • The target creature cannot resist the bond. The range refers to the maximum distance at which the initial bond can be formed. After initiation, no amount of distance between the creatures can break the bond
  • The target creature is not aware of the bond or its abscence
  • The Envoy may sever the bond at any time. For one hour after severing a bond, it is risky to initiate a bond with another creature. If attempting this, the Envoy makes a Resolve check difficulty 3. If unsuccessful, empathic abilities do not function for the next 6 hours
  • If the bond bonus has been increased to 3d6, the envoy may opt for a +1 bonus instead
  • The bond bonus does not stack with the bonus from Calming Aura

Talent Point Improvements:
□ Reduce the required action by one level. Minimum action is Swift
□ Extend the range by 10 feet
□□ Increase the bond bonus by 1d6. Maximum bonus is 3d6
□ Reduce the cooldown by 1 round

a parliamentary chamber


Action: Passive, Free
Requires: Cultural Intelligence
Description: Envoy training teaches how ki connects to topics ranging from tactics, leverage, converstion, body language, soft power, and politics. The result is formidable opponent in any social situation
Effect: You gain a 1d6 bonus to Diplomacy checks. Once per day (as a free action) you may take advantage on a Diplomacy check
Special: If the bonus is increased to 6d6, the player may opt to take a +1 bonus instead
Talent Point Improvements:
□□ Increase the diplomacy bonus by 1d6. Maximum bonus is 6d6
□□ Increase the uses per day of advantage by 1. Maximum uses per day is 3

a dimplomat with silver skin, hair, and a glowing silver robe

Calming aura

Action: Passive
Requires: Empath
Description: The Envoy projects an emotional aura that stabilizes and bolsters the emotions of allies
Range: 20 feet
Speed: Instant
Effect: Allies within the range receive a +1d6 bonus to Resolve Checks

  • The effect lingers for 10 minutes after a creature leaves your presence
  • If the aura bonus has been increased to 3d6, the envoy may opt for a +1 bonus instead
  • The aura bonus does not stack with the bonus from Aegis

Talent Point Improvements:
□ Extend the range of the aura by 10 feet
□□ Increase the bond bonus by 1d6. Maximum bonus is 3d6
□ Extend the lingering duration of the bonus by 10 minutes

a prismatic flare of light surrounds a silhouette

Charmed soul

Action: Swift
Requires: Empath, Envoy level 4
Description: The Envoy has a uncanny ability to be in the right place at the right time, narrowly and accidentally avoiding danger, or serendipitously choosing the perfect words by chance
Effect: Reroll up to 3 dice on any roll and take the new result
Cooldown: 12 rounds, Once per day
Special: This ability may also be used with rolls which also benefit from advantage, though the bonus only applies to one of the rolls, not both
Talent Point Improvements:
□ Reduce the required action to Free
□□□ Increase the number of dice you may reroll by 1
□ Reduce the cooldown by 1 round. Minimum cooldown is 6 rounds
□□□ Increase the uses per day by 1. Maximum uses per day is 3

a monk trains in a dojo with other monks

Close quarters diplomacy

Action: Standard, Full
Requires: Empath
Description: When negotiations break down, an Envoy needs a strong defense that cannot be neutralized. Empaths have a distinct edge in close combat, sensing an opponent's movements before they begin
Range: 5 feet
Speed: 6H
Effect: Replace the Basic Attack with this attack
Offensive: Attack Bonus + Dex + 8d6
Defensive: Defense Bonus + Dex + 8d6
Damage: Strength x 3 + 8d6 [Bludgeoning]
Cooldown: 6 rounds

  • Attacking with a standard action grants one attack which does not invoke the cooldown. Attacking with a full action grants two attacks which can be used in the same segment or separate segments. Using this attack as a full action invokes the cooldown, which only prohibits using it as a full action
  • If you already have a melee attack, you may substitute stats or formulas from the other attack in place of Close Quarters Diplomacy's formulas or stats. You may also apply special features from the other attack in addition to this attack's special features
  • Once per round when attacking or defending, you may also initiate a dodge action by spending a swift action

Talent Point Improvements:
□ Extend the range to 10 feet
□ Increase the speed of your attack by 1H. Maximum speed is 12H
□□□□□ □□□□□ Increase the dice bonus of the offensive and defensive formulas by 1d6. (Cost increases)
□□□□□ □□□□□ Increase the dice bonus of the damage formula by 1d6. (Cost increases)
□ Reduce the cooldown by 1 round. Minium cooldown is 1 round

a golden fire of energy burns among a field of spherical stones

Cultural intelligence

Action: Passive
Requires: Empath
Description: The Envoy can undertake a training procedure that combines intense study with emotional memory recreation techniques to produce a profound understanding of galactic cultures
Effect: You gain a 2d6 bonus to Recall knowledge checks made to remember details of a culture or its history
Special: If the bonus is increased to 6d6, the player may opt to take a +1 bonus instead. If the bonus is increased to 12d6, the player may opt to take a +2 bonus instead
Talent Point Improvements:
□ Increase the bonus by 2d6. Maximum bonus is 12d6

a caped warrior shrouded in a protective layer of golden ki


Action: Passive
Requires: Charmed Soul, Envoy level 6
Description: Either by fate or by extreme skill, the Envoy seems difficult to hit with attacks, always moving just enough to dodge your attacks
Effect: When the envoy imposes disadvantage by dodging an attack, the attacker must also roll twice and take the lower result
Cooldown: 12 rounds, Once per Day
Special: If a dodge imposes disadvantage on multiple attacks, all attacks are affected by this ability
Talent Point Improvements:
□ Reduce the cooldown by 1 round. Minimum cooldown is 6 rounds
□□□ Increase the uses per day by 1. Maximum uses per day is 3

Two doctors administer care to a patient

Field training

Action: Standard
Requires: Formidable Mind
Description: The Envoy learns to use the empathic link to enhance their healing abilities, and engages in a deep study of physiology with a focus on emotional states
Effect: You gain a 1d6 bonus to Medicine checks. Once per day (as a free action) you may take advantage on a Medicine check
Special: If the bonus is increased to 6d6, the player may opt to take a +1 bonus instead
Talent Point Improvements:
□ Increase the medicine bonus by 1d6. Maximum bonus is 6d6
□ Increase the uses per day of advantage by 1. Maximum uses per day is 3

a golden bust with an exposed silver brain with folds like braids of hair

Formidable mind

Action: Passive
Requires: Empath
Description: The Envoy trains themselves to see every angle, to feel the emotions of each participant from its own perspective, to piece together any mystery
Effect: You gain a 1d6 bonus to Investigation checks
Special: If the bonus is increased to 6d6, the player may opt to take a +1 bonus instead
Talent Point Improvements:
□□ Increase the investigation bonus by 1d6. Maximum bonus is 6d6

a blue eye with a golden pupil in a golden eye setting

Keen eye

Action: Passive
Requires: Empath
Description: The Envoy trains in active perception, routing their empathic connection through the lotus chakra, allowing them to perceive things that others miss
Effect: You gain a 1d6 bonus to Perception checks
Special: If the bonus is increased to 6d6, the player may opt to take a +1 bonus instead
Talent Point Improvements:
□□ Increase the perception bonus by 1d6. Maximum bonus is 6d6

golden roots that vaguely resembles lungs

Natural empathy

Action: Passive
Requires: Keen Eye
Description: The Envoy taps into the subtle ki flow within non-rational living organisms such as plants and fungus, conntecting to the pulse of a surrounding ecosystem
Effect: You gain a 1d6 bonus to Wilderness survival checks
Special: If the bonus is increased to 6d6, the player may opt to take a +1 bonus instead
Talent Point Improvements:
□□ Increase the wilderness survival bonus by 1d6. Maximum bonus is 6d6

a serene diplomat with a lotus flower on her forehead


Action: Swift
Requires: Calming Aura
Description: The Envoy's physical touch is like a conduit for ki energy, forming a bond, making it difficult to attack the Envoy
Range: Phsyical Touch
Effect: Touched creature must make an Ability Check or be unable to attack the Envoy
Cooldown: 12 rounds

  • Touched creature makes an Intelligence vs Resolve Ability Check. If unsuccessful, the creature may not attack the Envoy for 3 rounds
  • If the Envoy attacks an affected creature, they immediately becomes immune to pacify for 6 hours

Talent Point Improvements:
□ Reduce the cooldown by 1 round. Minimum cooldown is 1 round
□□ Increase the dice rolled on your Ability Check by 1d6. Maximum bonus is 3d6
□ Extend the duration the creature may not attack the Envoy by 1 segment

a person stands on a distant snowdrift, enshrined in a colossal halow of ice and light


Action: Passive
Requires: Empath
Description: The Envoy's empathic ki flow shields their mind from mental attacks
Effect: You gain a 1d6 bonus to defensive Intelligence and Resolve checks
Special: If the bonus is increased to 3d6, the player may opt to take a +1 bonus instead
Talent Point Improvements:
□□ Increase the bonus to defensive Intelligence checks by 1d6. Maximum bonus is 3d6
□□ Increase the bonus to defensive Resolve checks by 1d6. Maximum bonus is 3d6

a silhouette holds a glowing golden flower to their chest

Sixth sense

Action: Standard
Requires: Empath
Description: The Envoy is difficult to surprise, and even harder to sneak up on, always one step ahead
Effect: You cannot be surprised in combat. You suffer no action delay when you roll a zero on an initiative roll. You gain a 1d6 bonus to Initiative
Talent Point Improvements:
□□ Increase the initiative bonus by 1d6. Maximum bonus is 6d6

An envoy stands undisturbed among a chaotic battlefield

Survival instincts

Action: Swift
Requires: Sixth Sense
Description: The Envoy is tuned in to the emotional lay of the battlefield, detecting the subtle emotional telegraphing of their enemy's every move
Effect: When targeted by an attack, you may spend a swift action to take a 5 foot step, even if you have already initiated an action this segment
Cooldown: 12 rounds
Talent Point Improvements:
□ Reduce the cooldown by 1 round. Minimum cooldown is 1 round
□□□ Increase the step taken to 10 feet

gold and silver cloth twists and folds in a peaceful array

The gentle way

Action: Passive, Swift
Requires: Close Quarters Diplomacy
Description: Through empathic training the Envoy is capable of becoming a formidable opponent in close quarters grappling
Effect: You gain a 1d6 bonus on the Trip, Grapple, and Reposition Maneuvers
Cooldown: Once per day (Intuitive Strike)
Special: This ability is a fighting stance. You cannot gain the benefits of two stances at the same time. Switching stances is a free action. A successful maneuver made with this bonus must include a trip, grapple, or reposition. Additional maneuver points may be spent as desired
Inuitive Strike: Once per day, you gain advantage on a combat maneuver while in this stance
Talent Point Improvements:
□□ Increase the maneuver bonus by 1d6. Maximum bonus is 6d6
□□ Unlock Intuitive Strike

wiki/envoy.txt · Last modified: 2022/09/14 21:02 by caleymccready