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[advent class]

Rules governing Advent classes

Their right foot in the physical plane, their left foot in the astral plane, the Dreamwalker moves forward with intention but with no destination in mind. With an intimate understanding of the tether between the lotus chakra and the crown chakra, students of this ki path can enter and even manipulate the dreams of other creatures. While this is the ability that brings them such notoriety among mortals, it is not why Ki spirits take notice of the Dreamwalker. Walking the Astral Plane, they see the connections between all living things, they see how narrow the gap between mortals and spirits is. This alarms some spirits, and fascinates others

The path of the Dreamwalker is one of polarities. It can be used to harm or heal the spirits of mortal creatures, and provides the choice to avoid or engage in the chaotic world of powerful spirits

Dreamwalker Advent Class Level Table

Level Talent PointsLevel Bonuses
1 10 Talent Points1 Talent
2 10 Talent Points1 Talent
3 10 Talent Points5 Bonus Talent Points
4 10 Talent Points1 Talent
5 15 Talent Points1 Feat
6 15 Talent Points1 Talent
7 15 Talent Points5 Bonus Talent Points
8 15 Talent Points1 Talent
9 20 Talent Points1 Feat
10 20 Talent Points10 Bonus Talent Points

Talent tree

Talent details

Astral step

Action: Full
Requires: Stargazer, Dreamwalker Level 4
Description: You may use Astral Projection, projecting an ethereal version of yourself across the cosmos
Range: Within the gravity well of the nearest star
Speed: Instant
Effect: An ethereal version of yourself (as you currently appear) is projected to target location for one minute
Cooldown: 12 rounds

  • The target location must be a place that you can mentally picture, either because you have physically been there, visited in a dream, or have had the location described to you
  • You may project yourself to the current location of anyone with whom you share a Golden Cord
  • You may not project to an unknown location
  • When you expand the range by one astral step, you extend the range to an adjacent star's gravity well. If you have a range of X astral steps, you may jump X times between adjacent stars until you reach your target projection location

Talent Point Improvements:
□ Reduce the required action by one level. Minimum action is Swift
□ Extend the range by one astral step
□ Extend the duration by 1 minute
□ Reduce the cooldown by 1 round

a planet hangs above a dreamlike ocean

Crimson dream

Action: Full
Requires: Astral Step and Weaver
Description: The dreamwalker connects their lotus and root chakras, stepping into the astral plane and inducing a prophetic vision
Effect: Initiate a prophetic vision
Cooldown: Once per week

  • A vision's content is related to whatever is weighing most heavily on the dreamwalker's mind
  • Visions always show some relevant future event, but the vision's imagery may be metaphorical
  • Once seen, it is possible to avoid the realization of a prophetic vision
  • There is no limit to how far in the future a prophetic vision may predict
  • When Crimson Dream is used regularly, unbidden visions can occasionally occur

Talent Point Improvements:
□ Reduce the required action to Swift
□ Reduce the cooldown by 1 day. Minimum cooldown is 1 day

A dreamwalker stands in a basin of water surrounded by floating water and smoke

Dreaming well

Action: Full
Requires: Dreamwalker Level 4
Description: The dreamwalker bends the boundary between the physical and astral planes, creating an astral well which induces slumber
Range: Self
Speed: 4H
Effect: Creates a sleeping aura which is strongest at its center, which lasts one segment
Cooldown: 12 rounds

  • You are not affected by the dreaming well
  • Every segment a creature is within the well, they must make a Resolve Check to resist falling asleep. The difficulty is 4 when directly adjacent to the dreamwalker, and decreases by 1 for every 5 feet of distance
  • Target creatures that fall asleep are given the Unconscious condition
  • Creatures that break out of this sleep have advantage to resist sleep for the next hour

Talent Point Improvements:
□ Reduce the required action to Standard
□□□ □□□ Increase the duration by 1 segment. Maximum duration is 1 round
□ Reduce the cooldown by 1 round. Minimum cooldown is 6 rounds

a pink flower nebula


Requires: Dreamwalker
Description: You learn how to connect the lotus, crown, and throat chakra when dreamwalking, allowing you to freely communicate in any language, even with creatures that do not have language

  • You may speak in any language or allow the dreamer to understand any language
  • You may communicate with animal dreamers that have no language
  • You may change the dreamer's understanding of a dream's content or conditions

a surreal woman walks through the stars


Action: Full
Requires: None
Description: Stepping into the Astral Plane, you are able to step into the dreams of a sleeping creature, observing and even appearing within the dream
Range: 1 mile
Speed: Instant
Effect: You observe or project yourself (as you currently appear) into target sleeper's dreams
Cooldown: 12 rounds

  • Target creature may make a Resolve vs Resolve ability check to resist the interruption. Close minded creatures will instinctively resist, open minded creatures may allow it
  • Dreamwalkers and creatures capable of lucid dreaming have advantage when resisting
  • Requires you to be within the target's gravity well (planet, asteroid, or ship)
  • You do not control the dream's setting, story, or characters

Talent Point Improvements:
□ Reduce the required action by one level. Minimum action is Swift
□ Double the range. Maximum range is within the gravity well of the nearest planet
□ Extend the duration by 1 minute
□ Reduce the cooldown by 1 round

a crown shy forest nebula

Golden cord

Action: Passive
Requires: Waking Dream and Weaver
Description: The dreamwalker creates a golden cord between themself and those they share dreams with, connecting them through the astral plane
Effect: You may use Dreamwalker and Waking Dream with any creature you have previously shared a dream with, regardless of how far away that creature currently is

  • A golden cord may only be created with a willing or friendly creature
  • These golden cords are plainly visible when the dreamwalker moves in the astral plane
  • Allies who share a golden cord with the Dreamwalker and are physically present may join the Dreamwalker as they use Dreamwalk, Crimson Dream or Spectral Eye
  • A dreamwalker may cut these cords if they wish

A magical nebula with a hexagonal void in its center

Obsidian dreamer

Action: Move
Requires: Astral Step and Spectral Eye
Description: The obsidian dreamer walks the boundary between the Astral and Shadow planes. Their subtle body becomes like obsidian, invisible to the spirits
Effect: You become completely invisible to Revenants and Ki Spirits, and cannot be targeted by scrying by any creature for up to 3 hours
Cooldown: 6 rounds

  • You may deactivate this ability as a free action
  • When invisible to Ki spirits, they cannot detect you through high skill rolls
  • While sleeping, you may passively block Air and Shadow spirits from dreamwalking if you wish (Only air and shadow spirits are capable of dreamwalking)

Talent Point Improvements:
□ Reduce the required action to Swift
□ Increase the duration by 3 hours
□ Reduce the cooldown by 1 round

a long stemmed flower of silvery blue water of

Silver cord

Action: Passive
Requires: Waking Dream and Spectral Eye
Description: The dreamwalker's ability to dance in and out of the astral plane gives her an edge against Revenants and Ki spirits
Effect: On any roll against a (deceased) Revenant or Ki Spirit, roll twice and keep the higher result

a dreamwalker burns blue incense and sees through the lotus chakra

Spectral eye

Action: Passive
Requires: Dreaming Well
Description: The Dreamwalker connects the Crown and Lotus Chakras, using their third eye to see Revenants, Atua, Suras, and scrying
Effect: You can see (deceased) Revenants, the lesser Ki Spirits, and all attempts to scry on you or your location

  • You can see Revenants even when they mask their subtle body to conceal their presence
  • You can detect Ki Spirit's localized presence even if they are not physically manifesting
  • You are able to detect any attempt to scry on you or your location, and you can tell if they are viewing events from the far past, past, present, future, or far future

a forest sunset nebula


Action: Full
Requires: None
Description: You gaze into the sky with astral sight, and see a cacophony of dreams from every creature dreaming on the planets of the stars in the sky above you. From this sea of dreams a constellation of relevant dreams emerge, and from this patchwork of dreams you receive a vision of the place you seek
Range: Within the gravity well of the nearest star and adjacent stars
Speed: Instant
Effect: Learn information about target location within the range
Cooldown: 12 rounds

  • This ability does not require a night sky, though the range is doubled at night
  • Information you gain on a location will only be as recent as the last time someone dreamed of the location, though by the merging of dreams, most inaccuracies melt away
  • The target location may selected based on permanent qualities, but not based on ephemeral qualities
  • When you expand the range by one astral step, you extend the range to an adjacent star's gravity well. If you have a range of X astral steps, you may jump X times between adjacent stars until you reach your target projection location

Talent Point Improvements:
□ Reduce the required action by one level. Minimum action is Swift
□ Extend the range by two astral steps
□□□ Extend the range by ten astral steps
□ Reduce the cooldown by 1 round

a colorful nebula of green pink and gold with two green eyes

Waking dream

Action: Full
Requires: Dreamtongue
Description: The sleeping dreamwalker can communicate with other creatures who are awake, even at great distances, initiating a waking vision
Range: Within the gravity well of the nearest star and adjacent stars
Speed: Instant
Effect: Initiates a waking dream allowing communication

  • Target creature experiences the dream as experienced by the sleeping dreamwalker
  • Target creature must be someone the dreamwalker is familiar with
  • Target creature must be willing to receive visions
  • When you expand the range by one astral step, you extend the range to an adjacent star's gravity well. If you have a range of X astral steps, you may jump X times between adjacent stars until you reach your target projection location

Talent Point Improvements:
□ Extend the range by two astral steps
□□□ Extend the range by ten astral steps

a woman stands at the edge of a golden portal of light, beneath a fading sunset


Requires: Dreamwalker, Dreamwalker Level 4
Description: You gain control the astral fabric of dreams, allowing you to manipulate the dream

  • You have the ability to manipulate every aspect of the dream, though you do not directly control the dreamer's emotional state
  • Target creatures with the ability to lucid dream may change elements of the dream you create by passing a Resolve Check with a difficulty of 2

Talent Point Improvements:
□□□ Increase the difficulty of the Resolve check to 3

wiki/dreamwalker.txt · Last modified: 2024/03/24 23:50 by caleymccready