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Hit and damage

When an attack is made, you first determine if the attack hit. The attacker uses their offensive formula pitted against the defensive formula of the defender. You roll any dice in your formula and for each dice that came up as a “4”, “5”, or “6”, add one to your score. If the attacker's formula matches or exceeds the defender's formula, then the attack hits. The attacker then rolls their Damage formula, summing the value of each dice, and the damage is applied to the target

Human desimancer emanates an aura of electricity

Damage types

Blunt damage that hits you with physical force, causing bruises and broken bones. Critical attacks that deal bludgeoning damage cause the target to become staggered until they receive healing

Damage from heat or fire that causes varying degree burns, leaving scars. Critical attacks that deal burning damage cause the target to become burned until they receive healing. Conditions of extreme cold and frost can also cause the burned condition

Piercing, Slashing
A stabbing attack that punctures or cuts the skin, leaving scars. Critical attacks that deal piercing or slashing damage cause the target to bleed until they receive healing or stanch the blood flow by some other means. The damage taken is equal to the number of damage dice rolled for the attack

Electricity courses through your body, leaving spider web scarring. Critical attacks that deal electricity damage cause the target to become disoriented until they receive healing

Ki attacks do not deal physical damage. Instead, they disrupt the flow of ki through the body. Many victims of ki attacks describe them as incredibly painful. When you make an attack that deals ki damage, you may choose one of the seven chakras. The chosen chakra is blocked, rendering any keystone bound to that chakra ineffective. Critical attacks that deal ki damage cause the target to be ki blocked for 1 round

Creatures that have a blocked chakra may use a Standard action to immediately unblock a chakra

A creature who has 7 blocked chakras gains the ki blocked condition until they open at least one of their chakras

Critical rolls

On a hit roll, when four or more of the dice are a “6”, this is considered a critical roll

Critical rolls:

  • Automatically hit
  • Grant advantage on the damage formula
  • Double the non-dice portion of your damage formula
  • Convert all die to Exploding dice
  • You may re-roll all damage dice that roll a 1
  • Apply a condition to the target(s) according to the damage type, as seen in the table below

Damage TypeCritical Hit effects
BludgeoningTarget is staggered until they receive healing
BurningTarget is burned until they receive healing
ElectricityTarget is disoriented until they receive healing
KiTarget is ki blocked 1 round
Non-LethalTarget is staggered until they receive healing
PiercingTarget is bleeding until they receive healing

Critical failures

  • Any roll where every die rolls a 1 is a critical failure
  • Critical failures always miss, and have other negative effects determined by the GM
  • Critical failures on rolls of 6 dice or higher have catastrophic effects

Non-lethal damage

When you initiate an attack or defensive action that will potentially result in damage, you may declare this attack to be a non-lethal attack, even after the attack is made. You direct your attacks to cause pain, strike pressure points, and otherwise incapacitate your opponent without doing any permanent damage

If you successfully hit with a non-lethal attack, you deal non-lethal damage. This damage counts as normal damage except that a creature that has suffered non-lethal damage and is reduced to zero hit points will fall unconscious instead of dying

Attacks that deal the “Ki” damage type are considered non-lethal attacks

Damage from non-lethal attacks can be removed via healing, after all lethal damage is repaired

bloodied condition

Whenver a creature has less than one third of their total hit points, they have disadvantage on all rolls. This applies even if the damage is non-lethal, This condition is always visibly obvious

Human waterbender healer creating a sphere of healing waters


When a creature is harmed, you can use your ki energy to heal them. Hydromancers and Pyromancers can learn these abilities which allow them to use heal another creature or themselves

  • If a creature is suffering from a disease or from the effects of a poison, see the Medicine skill
  • Wounds are caused by attacks that deal bludgeoning, piercing, slashing, electricity, or burning damage
  • To heal wounds, use the healing formula of your talent. The resulting number is applied to the target creature as restored hit points
  • If the creature was suffering negative effects from their wounds, such as bleeding, the effects are removed
  • Non lethal damage is also healed, after lethal damage

Hit points

Each creature has hit points, which represent its ability to withstand damaging attacks. When a creature is the victim of an attack that deals damage, that damage is subtracted from the creatures current hit points

Calculating Hit Points

  1. At level one, roll your species' Hit Point Formula
  2. Additionally, at level one, you receive a bonus 6d6 hit points
  3. After level one, each time you level up, roll your species' Hit Point Formula
  4. After level twelve, you no longer gain new hit points when you level up

You create a level one Carragh with a hit point formula of Res + 3d6 + 1 and a resolve modifier of 2

  • You roll your hit formula (3d6+1+2), and the result is [3]+[2]+[6]+1+2 = 14
  • You roll your bonus 6d6 hit points and the result is [1]+[4]+[2]+[6]+[3]+[1] = 17
  • Your hit point total at first level is 36 (14+17)

Your Carragh levels up to level 2

  • You roll your hit point formula (3d6+1+2) and the result is [1]+[4]+[3]+1+2 = 11
  • You add 11 hit points to your hit points from your first level
  • Your hit point total at second level is 47 (36+11)

When you receive healing, it adds an amount of hit points to your current hit points. Your current hit points may not exceed your total hit points at any time, extra healing is lost

a silhouette walks under a dark storm


When a creature's current hit point total falls below zero, that creature is dying. They can take no actions, though they are conscious and may have limited ability to speak

  • The GM secretly rolls 2d6 to determine the number of segments before the creature dies. If the creature receives enough healing to put its current hit point total above zero before these segements expire, the creature is no longer dying and regains consciousness. Otherwise, the creature dies
  • Each segment on what would be their turn, they take an additional 3d6 points of damage from their injuries, rolled by the dying player
  • Dying creatures cannot initiate new actions, have no Reaction, and can take damage
  • When a creature is restored from the dying state, they are Staggered and Disoriented for 1 round

Note: If a creature has taken non-lethal damage and their hit point total is reduced below zero, they fall unconscious instead of dying. If while unconscious the amount of lethal damage taken exceeds their total hit point pool, then the creature begins dying

wiki/damage.txt · Last modified: 2022/08/25 22:10 by caleymccready