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to do list

Rules and general

  • add ship weapon and armor creation to the respective professions
  • archeologist profession?
  • make a how-to play guide
  • Add notes about celestial bridge explaining functions of absorption, mechanics behind the scenes, and the experience of the afterlife
  • make a pass clarifying the difference between range and the extent of an ability
  • game master character quick reference sheet
  • review the trident class
  • review and revise unecessary range/speed/element entries in all talents
  • redo the chakra hexagram on Chakras to organize chakras properly and show their network with color
  • review cleromancer flow and consider boon of action 3, 2, and 1 round cooldown
  • sphere rework including quick sphere class feat
  • hover rules are three seconds, review and revise
  • add more art to the IL one shot supplement and page
  • rework the map page graphic, add a page describing the physical arena
  • Drop speed for melee abilities
  • special list breakout pass on all classes
  • medicine stabilization rules
  • redo art on combat rules page
  • rework species page with html image code
  • make bluesky account, delete instagram account


  • Finish copying the nahkoen empire planet records
  • Rework dreki personality write-up
  • Rework ileroi history as appropriate, maybe remove invaders section if it doesnt pan out
  • add species milestones to timelines (formalization of language, discovery of ki, planetary unification, Discovery of ki-activated plants, interplanetary travel dates, interplanetary settlement dates, catastrophic events)
  • Create empire inception dates
  • Create star system inclusion dates to empires, do this one empire at a time?
  • determine final stages of trading network and create events for when routes were established through each system - ugh
  • fix sol's creation records and either fix the sol specific timelines or chalk them up to a sol specific time measurement system. Even though i made them up, I have to decide. I may just fold these items into the master timeline, translating the dates into the generic format
  • Normalize terra's timelines by putting them on the star and planet pages, and normalize the dates
  • Update terra's timelines in the master timelines
  • ensure ascendant ki spirits align with species births
  • awakening of stone needs moving
  • galactic timeline page is out of date
  • Quihuatl designed after migratory birds that spread animal life. most animal life branches off of birds. species develop on planets and are then a template for the smith
  • Ihaqet timeline


Other Tools

  • Create Roll20 Character sheet, maybe an art pack
  • Research best merchandise shop and create products
  • Create how-to-play youtube video
  • Create character sheet fill video, character creation video

Geography Pages

  • travel times for galactic map
  • upload a snap of the galaxy map and add a link to the full res version

World and Galaxy

  • Write a GM article on how the void functions
  • Work on some beasts and monster species for the galaxy
  • Add a spherical map of Terra page
  • paragraph explaining light levels in system and interplanetary space
  • add paragraph explanations for how the universe works
  • Break out organizations into separate pages, move to game master information?
  • start fleshing out the other planets
  • implement a GM page for arena combat rules, structure, and flavor. teams?
  • add adventuring crews, add profiles for their members
  • ships and information about them, categories, characteristics
  • historical events, notable locations?, notable inhabitants, flora and fauna
  • items carried to the planet by the currents? how would people of the planet explain such items? determine how the air would behave and whether or not things could drift in due to gravity
  • Create pages for atua spirits as they are created
  • seer temple galaxy maps, prayer/forehead touching greeting
  • created an empires of the galaxy timeline and ancient extinct empires, similar to the terran timeline. Create explicit paralells in terran and galactic history
  • Fix the carragh page to separate specific terran references from the galaxy at large
  • review galactic map to create travel heat maps/graphs for all species. Individual maps? videos outlining the histories that make it so?


  • Add a page for the crhubai code
  • Add embellishment detail to physical features for newer races
  • Add section for Maturation process/timing and sexual reproduction
  • Add more or a new section on temperment
  • Add a link to their empire page once created

Advent Classes

  • (shelved) Elemental shapeshifting class for water and earth, possibly a second class of air and fire. at the moment, this feels like it would be out of the normal feeling of the game. continue to reassess, primarily the earth and water version. This would be an ascendant process class and would require a very high level
  • Outlaw (stealth, assassin, thief) bundle brawling grappler below and poison alchemy in as well (reimagine this class, I dont currently like the feeling of it at all. it needs a ki angle thematically. do not call it an outlaw)
  • Blade, arrow, unarmed specialist three separate advent classes (fold into outlaw)
  • Strength based grappler - dislocation manuever (making limbs unusable for binding. needs artistic angle) (fold into outlaw?)
  • advent class based item bonuses
  • Inscriber/paper charms/paper folding, similar mechanic to incanter. Branches: Alchemy?, origami, a talisman, single use keystones, runes written on surfaces, sentence based effect structure
  • Witness, Scriv, Archive, Archivist, Scribe, Codex, Chronicle
  • Out : Inscriber, Scrivener, Historian, Shodo, Register

Gaming materials

  • change the character sheet guide to include images, visually walking you through filling out a sheet
  • rework character creation page to lay out the process more explicitly
  • create a visual guide to completing the character sheet, once it is stable
  • rework the guide to leveling up a character


Game Master Guide

  • A guide to the RP of damage and healing

Art Ideas

  • A workbench with tools and adventuring gear from the supplies page, for the supplies page
  • Characters engaging in the Skills, such as sleight of hand
  • x-carve, dice with class logos and site logo

Archived material


Design and world building hours: 5,199
Research hours: 506.5
Playtest person-hours: 3,069.5

wiki/to_do_list.txt · Last modified: 2025/01/11 21:38 by caley