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Hanum Petramancer

Petramancers are powerful elementalists, able to bind their ki energy to the earth itself, allowing them to control soil and rock, manipulating the very ground they walk on

Binding earth requires strength of body and of will, as well as considerable physical coordination. Most petramancers are builders, and their societies always feature beautiful earthen structures. Adventuring petramancers tend to be favor unflinching extremes in personality; they are either brash and loud, or they are as reserved and quiet as the stones they bend

Petramancers are naturally adept in battlefield control, utilty, and defense, though they are also capable of hard hitting single-target damage

Art by R Milanis

Petramancer Class Level Table

LevelBAB*BDB*Talent PointsLevel Bonuses
1 0 0 6 Talent Points2 Talents, 1 Skill Focus
2 1 1 7 Talent Points1 Talent
3 1 1 8 Talent Points1 Feat
4 1 1 9 Talent Points1 Talent, 1 Ability Bonus
5 1 2 10 Talent Points1 Skill Focus
6 2 2 12 Talent Points1 Talent
7 2 2 12 Talent Points1 Feat
8 2 3 12 Talent Points1 Talent, 1 Ability Bonus
9 2 3 12 Talent Points1 Feat
10 2 3 12 Talent Points1 Talent
11 3 4 12 Talent Points1 Feat
12 3 4 12 Talent Points1 Talent, 1 Ability Bonus
13 3 4 12 Talent Points1 Feat
14 3 5 12 Talent Points1 Talent
15 3 5 12 Talent Points1 Feat
16 4 5 12 Talent Points1 Talent, 1 Ability Bonus
17 4 6 12 Talent Points1 Feat
18 4 6 12 Talent Points1 Feat
19 4 6 12 Talent Points1 Feat
20 4 6 12 Talent Points1 Feat, 1 Ability Bonus

* Base Attack Bonus, Base Defense Bonus

Talent tree

Talent details

At level one, you can select from the following talents:
Boulder Shot, Spirit of the Earth, Rockslide, Sand Blast, Slab, Shift Earth, Burrow, and Erase Tracks

At level two and above, you may select any talent for which you meet the requirements. (Talent Key)

a petramancer levitates two boulders of earth

Boulder shot

Action: Standard
Requires: No requirements
Description: Pop up a Small chunk of earth and punch (or kick) it at your enemy or target hex. You may also use it to defend against an incoming attack
Range: 30 feet
Speed: 8H (8 hexes per segment)
Effect: Target hex or object
Element: Small chunk of earth
Offensive: Base Attack Bonus + Dex + 2d6
Defensive: Base Defense Bonus + Dex + 2d6
Damage: Strength x 2 + 1d6 [Bludgeoning]
Special: On a successful hit, Boulder Shot pushes its target back 5 feet
Talent Point Improvements:
□ Extend the range by 10 feet. Maximum range is 120 feet
□ Increase the speed by 1H. Maximum speed is 18H
□□ Increase the Dice bonus of the offensive and defensive formulas by 1d6. (Cost increases)
□□ Increase the Dice bonus of the damage formula by 1d6. (Cost increases)
□ Increase the pushback to 10 feet
□□ Change the pushback to a knockdown, knocking the target prone

underground swirls of earth under stone


Action: Move, Swift
Requires: No requirements
Description: You sink into earth and it moves out of your way and fills in behind you. You burrow through the ground, travelling below the surface
Range: Self
Special: Use of a swift action allows you to travel 15 feet vertically, allowing you to completely submerge below the surface. Once you have submerged, if you remain at this depth you will not disturb the surface as you travel. You cannot take people with you using burrow
Talent Point Improvements:
□□ Increase your movement speed while burrowing by 5 feet. Maximum increase is +15 feet

a ball of soil hovering above the ground

Compact earth

Action: Standard
Requires: Boulder Shot, Level 2
Description: You compact a quantity of earth and rock into extremely dense stone
Range: 15 feet
Effect: up to 1 unit of earth is compacted
Element: Two free hands, sufficient volume of earth
Special: You may gather earth within the range to your self at a speed of 6H. When compacted earth is used with Boulder Shot, the offensive, defensive, and damage formulas increase by 1d6, and the damage type changes to Piercing. Compact Earth can also change sand or loose scree into solid earth or stone for use in walls or slabs
Talent Point Improvements:
□ Reduce the required action by one level. Minimum action is Swift
□ Extend the range by 5 feet. Maximum range is 30 feet
□□ Increase the bonus when used with Boulder Shot to 2d6
□ Increase the maximum units you can compact by your Str modifier. Not repeatable
□ Increase the maximum units you can compact by your Res modifier. Not repeatable
□□ Increase the maximum units you can compact by your Int modifier. Not repeatable

a stone monk sits on a floating bands of light that twist and distort the earth around them

Detect lies

Action: Swift
Requires: Burrow, Level 2
Description: When in direct contact with the earth, you can determine when other humanoids are lying
Range: 5 feet
Effect: When your skin is in contact with the earth, you may make a Sense Motive check as a swift action against a single creature. You gain a 1d6 bonus to this check
Talent Point Improvements:
□ Reduce the required action to Free
□ Extend the range by 5 feet. Maximum range is 20 feet
□ Increase the bonus to Sense Motive by 1d6. Maximum bonus is 6d6
□ Increase the number of creatures you may target by 2

a wall of dust spreading across the desert

Dust cloud

Action: Standard
Requires: Sand Blast, Level 2
Description: You kick or punch the ground, flinging a massive cloud of dust and debris high into the air at the target location, granting concealment
Range: 20 feet
Speed: 8H
Effect: 20 foot diameter cylinder, 40 feet high. Dissipates after 3 rounds
Element: Must be cast on an earthen surface
Defensive: Defense Bonus + Res + 2d6
Cooldown: 6 rounds
Special: The cloud of dust rises from the ground, providing two levels of concealment per hex. Attacks that generate wind in an attempt to displace the dust must exceed the defensive formula
Talent Point Improvements:
□ Reduce the required action by one level. Minimum action is Swift
□ Extend the range by 10 feet. Maximum range is 120 feet
□ Increase the speed by 1H. Maximum speed is 12H
□ Increase the diameter and height by 5 feet
□ Extend the duration by 1 round
□ Increase the defensive formula by 1d6. Total dice may not exceed character level. Maximum dice is 8d6
□ Reduced the cooldown by 1 round. Minimum cooldown is 1 round

a glowing rune etched into hard packed into soil

Earthen sigil

Action: Swift
Requires: Spirit of the Earth, Level 2
Description: Your strong connection to the earth allows you to manifest your ki energy as a runic “tattoo” anywhere on your body. When it comes in contact with any bare natural surface directly connected to the earth, it becomes charged for 24 hours. You may expend this charge to gain a temporary surge of strength
Range: Self
Effect: Expending the charge requires a swift action and allows you to move up to 20 additional Units of Earth on any binding which allows a certain number of Units of earth to be moved, including Compact Earth. Boulder Shot's size category increases to Medium (increasing the damage formula by 3d6). This effect lasts two rounds
Cooldown: Once per day
Special: Recharging the sigil in combat requires a swift action. If you have more than one use per day, each use requires a charge
Talent Point Improvements:
□ Increase the number of extra Units of earth by 5 units
□ Increase the uses per day by 1. Maximum uses per day is 3
□□□ □□□ Increase the maximum size of Boulder Shot to Large, increasing the damage by 6d6

a monk meditates on a wave of desert sand

Erase tracks

Action: Standard
Requires: No requirements
Description: Erase heavy tracks or ruts in the ground, or remove the evidence of earth binding. Vegetation disrupted or destroyed cannot be returned to a pristine state
Range: 50 feet
Speed: 4H
Effect: 10 foot swath from where you stand to max range, or in a circle with a radius up to half the range
Element: Target area of earth
Special: This talent grants you a 3d6 bonus to Stealth, or Wilderness survival checks made to cover your tracks
Talent Point Improvements:
□ Extend the range by 10 feet
□ Increase the speed by 1H. Maximum speed is 12H
□ Increase the bonus by 1d6. Maximum bonus is 12d6

a colossal boulder hovers over the plains, surrounded by ki energy

Lift earth

Action: Full
Requires: Shift Earth, Level 2
Description: You summon a large amount of ki energy to lift a Large amount of earth above your head
Range: 20 feet
Speed: 4H
Effect: Large boulder of earth
Element: Sufficient earth to move
Offensive: Attack Bonus + Res + 2d6
Defensive: Defense Bonus + Res + 2d6
Damage: Strength x 4 + 6d6 [Bludgeoning]
Cooldown: 6 rounds
Special: You pick up or create a boulder within the range. You may continue to hold the boulder for up to Res rounds. While holding the boulder, your movement speeds are reduced by half. As a swift action in any following segment, you may toss the boulder onto the ground to a location within the range. Creatures that would be caught under the location are pushed one hex away from the target location
Talent Point Improvements:
□ Extend the range by 10 feet. Maximum range is 60 feet
□ Increase the speed by 1H. Maximum speed is 8H
□□ Increase the Dice bonus of the offensive and defensive formulas by 1d6. (Cost increases)
□□ Increase the Dice bonus of the damage formula by 1d6. (Cost increases)
□ Reduce the cooldown by 1 round. Minimum cooldown is 1 round

an explorer walks through a desert patch of liquid sand


Action: Standard
Requires: Erase Tracks, Level 2
Description: You cause an area of the ground to become a liquid sludge, causing anyone walking over the area to sink into the earth until their legs are covered above the knee
Range: 20 feet
Effect: A circle of earth 15 feet in diameter at target location, reduces movement speed to 10 feet
Element: Target earth must be at least 5 feet deep
Offensive: Attack Bonus + Dex + 2d6
Cooldown: 6 rounds
Special: This move can be used in sand or scree as well as earth. Targeted creatures that succeed against the offensive formula may render their current hex unaffected by quicksand, or move to the nearest hex outside the area, at their option. As a swift action in any following segment, the petramancer may make the earth solid again which gives any creatures in the target area the Rooted condition. If trapped, creatures must beat the offensive formula (rerolled) to free themselves from the hardened earth. Alternatively, trapped creatures can spend a full action to free themselves
Talent Point Improvements:
□ Reduce the required action by one level. Minimum action is Swift
□ Extend the range by 5 feet. Maximum range is 60 feet
□ Increase the diameter by 5 feet. Maximum diameter is 45 feet
□ Increase the offensive formula by 1d6. Total dice may not exceed character level. Maximum dice is 8d6
□ Reduce the cooldown by 1 round. Minimum cooldown is 1 round

a monk sits atop a cresting wave of earth


Action: Move
Requires: No requirements
Description: You bind your ki energy into the earth below your feet, popping up small cylinders of earth, pushing you forward into a slide
Range: Self
Speed: Your Dash speed
Effect: You move at your Dash speed for two segments
Cooldown: 6 rounds
Special: Your movement must be in a straight line
Talent Point Improvements:
□ Reduce the required action to Swift
□ Reduce the cooldown by 1 round. Minimum cooldown is 1 round

two petramancers duel in the desert, whipping up flowing streams of sand

Sand blast

Action: Standard
Requires: No requirements
Description: You bend sand, dust, or rubble at your enemy, attempting to impair their vision
Range: 15 feet
Speed: 4H
Effect: Target creature with exposed eyes which fails to defend is blinded for 1 round
Element: Small amount of sand or dust
Cooldown: 12 rounds
Offensive: Attack Bonus + Dex + 2d6
Special: This move is ineffective against targets currently blinded
Talent Point Improvements:
□ Extend the range by 5 feet. Maximum range is 30 feet
□ Increase the speed by 1H. Maximum speed is 8H
□□ Increase the Dice bonus of the offensive formula by 1d6. (Cost increases)
□ Reduce the cooldown by 1 round. Minimum cooldown is 6 rounds
□□ Increase the number of rounds the target is blinded to 2 rounds

a wave of earth in the desert

Shift earth

Action: Standard
Requires: No requirements
Description: You shift and/or rotate a portion of earth in any horizontal direction. The shifting earth carries creatures or objects with it
Range: 20 feet
Speed: 1H
Effect: A 5 foot hex of earth is shifted 5 feet in any horizontal direction
Element: 1 unit of earth per hex moved
Defensive: Defense Bonus + Res + 2d6
Cooldown: 6 rounds

  • Cannot be used to shift earth that is bearing a load greater than 500 lbs
  • The range determines how far the earth you select may be from your character, when selecting the destination for that earth, it may exceed the range
  • You may use this move's defensive formula to attempt to relocate someone out of the path of an attack that targets them. You may use this to move an ally out of a targeted hex

Talent Point Improvements:
□ Reduce the required action to Move
□ Extend the range by 10 feet. Maximum range is 60 feet
□ Increase the speed the earth is moved to 2H
□ Increase the distance the earth is moved by 5 feet. Maximum distance is 30 feet
□ Increase the load under which you are able to shift earth by 150 lbs
□ Increase the area of earth moved by 2 hexes. Maximum number of hexes is 7
□ Increase the defensive formula by 1d6. Total dice may not exceed character level. Maximum dice is 8d6
□ Reduce the cooldown by 1 round. Minimum cooldown is 1 round

monks a monk raises slabs out of the desert floor as the sky twists and shifts in the shape of a tree


Action: Standard, Swift
Requires: No requirements
Description: You create a slab of earth to provide shelter against projectiles and binding attacks
Range: 10 feet
Effect: Create a slab up to 10 feet wide, 10 feet tall, and 2 feet thick (4 blocks total)
Element: 1/2 a unit of earth
Defensive: Defensive Bonus + Res + 2d6
Special: The slab may not exceed a length of 10 feet on a side, but may be less than ten feet
Alternatively, as a swift action, Slab may be used to raise two pillars, each 10 feet high, which provide cover. The slab and the pillars are destroyed if they take damage
Talent Point Improvements:
□ Reduce the required action to Move
□ Extend the range by 5 feet. Maximum range is 60 feet
□ Increase the defensive formula by 1d6. Total dice may not exceed character level. Maximum dice is 8d6

sharp shards of earth raise up out of the ground

Slam attack

Action: Standard, Full
Requires: Boulder Shot, Level 2
Description: You kick the ground in the direction of your enemy, and a blunt spike of earth pops up from the disrupted ground next to the target and attempts to slam into them. (spike is a rough 5 foot circle at the base and tapers to a rough circle with diameter of 1.5 feet). This move can also be used to defend any attack it can conceivably reach
Range: 15 feet
Speed: 12H
Effect: Earth spike attempts to collide with your opponent
Element: Unbroken path of earth between you and the target
Offensive: Inherited from Boulder Shot
Defensive: Inherited from Boulder Shot
Damage: Inherited from Boulder Shot
Cooldown: 6 rounds
Special: Attacking with a standard action grants one attack and does not invoke the cooldown. Attacking with a full action grants two attacks which must be initiated in separate segments as if they were two standard attacks. When hit, targets are popped in the air and moved 5 feet back for each excess dice, in a direction of your choosing. Abilities that attempt to block Slam Attack must be capable of interacting with it under the ground or in the hex it surfaces in (the hex adjacent to the target)
Talent Point Improvements:
□ Extend the range by 5 feet. Maximum range is 30 feet
□ Increase the speed by 1H. Maximum speed is 18H
□ Reduce the cooldown by 1 round. Minimum cooldown is 1 round
□□ Moved opponents are also knocked prone, at your option. Requires level 4

a tree stone in a glowing underground cave

Spirit of the earth

Action: Swift
Requires: No requirements
Description: You draw upon the earth's ki energy to lend you strength
Effect: You gain a temporary +2 bonus to Strength or Resolve for 1 round
Cooldown: 12 rounds
Special: In order to draw upon the earth's energy in time of need, you must have had physical contact with earthen ground in the last 24 hours. You must be touching the earthen ground to activate Spirit of the Earth. When you use this ability, you elevate your ki energy. To anyone within 60 feet, your ki gives off a deep, dense aura
Talent Point Improvements:
□ Reduce the cooldown by 1 round. Minimum cooldown is 6 rounds
□□ Increase the ability bonus from +2 to +4. Requires 8 levels in Petramancer
□□ Increase the ability bonus from +4 to +6. Requires 12 levels in Petramancer

a face with an artistic stone overlay

Stone armor

Action: Full
Requires: Wall
Description: You pull earth and stone up from the ground, creating a suit of armor made of dense stone or earth. The armor passively defends you from attacks
Range: Self
Effect: Create one suit of stone armor
Element: 2 Units of earth
Hit Points: Defense Bonus + Res x 2 + 3d6
Cooldown: 6 rounds
Special: The armor is fully formed after one segment. Attacks against the armor are treated as if they were a Sunder maneuver. Damage that exceeds the armor's hit point value are dealt to the target creature. You may put this armor on an adjacent object or willing creature that is no more than one size category larger than yourself. The target creature must remain within 20 feet of you or the armor crumbles. When creating a new suit of Stone Armor, any previously created instances are destroyed, crumbling into pieces
Talent Point Improvements:
□ Reduce the required action to Standard
□□ Increase the Dice bonus of the hit point formula by 1d6. (Cost increases)
□ Reduce the cooldown by 1 round. Minimum cooldown is 1 round
□ Increase the contribution of your Resolve modifier to the hit point formula from x2 to x3
□ Increase the distance you can maintain Stone Armor on an ally by 5 feet

light flows through the earth like ki through chakras

Strength of the earth

Action: Passive
Requires: Rockslide, Level 2
Description: The earth lends you strength whenever your feet are touching the earth
Range: Self
Effect: Provided your feet are on the earth, you gain a +1d6 bonus to maneuvers. Strength of the Earth is a fighting stance. You cannot gain the benefits two stances at the same time. Switching stances is a free action
Talent Point Improvements:
□□□ Increase the bonus to maneuvers by 1d6. Maximum bonus is 3d6

a canyon with a wall of large stones


Action: Full
Requires: Slab, Level 2
Description: Create a wall that hampers enemy movement and blocks elemental attacks. The range denotes the center point of the wall. The actual orientation of the wall is the choice of the binder. The entire wall rises simultaneously on the binder's initiative count in the chosen segment
Range: 20 feet
Speed: 2H
Effect: A wall 10 feet high and 5 feet thick, in a line 25 feet long
Element: Earth must be 10 feet deep in target area
Hit Points: Res + 2d6
Cooldown: 6 rounds
Special: The entire wall rises simultaneously on the binder's initiative count in the chosen segment. The range denotes the center point of the wall. The orientation of the wall is the choice of the binder. See the rules governing walls for more information
Talent Point Improvements:
□ Reduce the required action to Standard
□ Extend the range by 10 feet. Maximum range is 120 feet
□ Increase the speed by 1H. Maximum speed is 4H
□ Increase the maximum length of the wall by 10 feet
□ Increase the maximum height of the wall by 5 feet. Increases the depth required to create the wall
□□□ Increase the maximum width of the wall to 10 feet
□□ Increase the Dice bonus of the hit point formula by 1d6. (Cost increases)
□ Reduce the cooldown by 1 round. Minimum cooldown is 1 round

a large wave made of soil

Wave of earth

Action: Move or Full
Requires: Quicksand, Level 4
Description: This move can be used in two ways:
Movement - As a Move action, you make a wave of earth which pushes a slab of earth, on which you may ride in the following segment. This allows you to move up to three times your normal speed per round. Others may ride on the slab with you, as many as can fit in the area of effect
Offensively - As a Full action, you send a wave of earth forward, causing anyone hit by it to balance on the shifting earth or be knocked prone. The DC to remain standing is 1. The shifting earth is comprised of small hexagonal columns of earth moving rapidly up and down. Provided a creature can remain standing, movement through the affected area is at half speed
Range: Self, 30 feet
Speed: 4H (Offensively)
Effect: a 10 foot area of earth with a diameter of 10 feet moves forward in a wave 3 feet high
Element: Earth to move the wave through
Cooldown: 6 rounds
Talent Point Improvements:
□ Reduce the required action (offensively) to Standard
□ Extend the range when used offensively by 5 feet. Maximum range is 60 feet
□ Increase the speed when used offensively by 1H
□ Increase the diameter of the affected area by 5 feet. Maximum diameter is 40 feet
□ Reduce the cooldown by 1 round. Minimum cooldown is 1 round
□□ Increase the DC to balance on the wave by 1. Maximum DC is 3

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wiki/petramancer.txt · Last modified: 2023/10/27 02:19 by caleymccready