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Pronunciation: Samak (SAH-mak)
Pronunciation, Plural: Samakoel (sah-mah-KO-ell)
Homeworld: Samak
Empire: Samak empire

The Samakoel are an ambitious and populous species of amphbious humanoids that can be found across the galaxy. They are a hardworking, industrious species and have built up large corporations that produce the majority of galactically traded goods

Physical description

Ignel Samakoel Pyromancer Samakoel are short and stocky humanoids with amphbian features. Their proportionally long legs bend backwards at the knee, bending forwards again at a high ankle into a large, three toed foot. Their torsos are wide and sturdy, and their arms are also proportionally long. Their hands have three fingers and one thumb. Their skin is soft and clammy, and they have no body hair. Their head and facial features are distinctly amphibian. Samakoel reproduce via eggs which are laid in groups of 20-30 after fertilization


Samakoel regard other species positively and are eager to sell their goods to anyone willing to buy. They are regarded as generally trustworthy but with a cunning streak and a love for strictly worded contracts


While Samakoel that are widely traveled are highly respected, this travel typically revolves around industry and trade. Some Samakoel are trained from young ages to serve as mercenaries and bodygaurds for corporations, some of whom turn to the adventuring life. Young adults of the corporate families are sometimes drawn to the adventuring life, sometimes accompanied by company bodyguards


The Sammakoel can be grouped into two general categories, the Pruek and the Ignel, which exhibit small differences in their physical characteristics

Pruek (PRU-eck) Samakoel exhibit frog-like facial features and have a smooth skin that can be a single color or two to three colors in a spotted pattern. Their eyes are slitted horizontally. They are excellent jumpers and have the ability to adhere to vertical surfaces

Ignel (IG-nell) Samakoel exhibit salamander-like facial features and have a tougher, more scaly skin, which is cooler to the touch. Their skin gives them an innate resistance to damage from fire. Their eyes have very small, round irises and a mottled color which tends to be darker in a horizontal band

Species traits

Hit Point Formula: Res + 3d6
Quick: +2 Dexterity, +2 Intelligence
Small: +1 size bonus to BDB when you are the target of the attack, 1d6 size bonus to Stealth
Movement Speed: Samakoel have a base movement speed of 30 feet
Amphibious: Samakoel have a swim speed of 35 feet, and gain a +1 bonus to Swim checks
Leaper [Pruek]: Gain advantage on jumping skill checks. (precision or distance)
Climber [Pruek]: Due to adhesive pads on the hands and feet, Pruek Samakoel can adhere to vertical surfaces without effort. This grants advantage on all Climb checks
Firesoul [Ignel]: When you suffer damage from fire, roll 2d6 and reduce the damage by the result

Physical characteristics

Life Exp.40-60 years
Adulthood10 years
DietPlants, Insects, Dairy, Water
SexesF, M
Eye colorsBright colors in Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Purple. Black
Skin ColorGreen, Green/Yellow, Green/Brown, Green/Brown/Black, Blue, Blue/Yellow, Blue/Yellow/Black, Blue/Orange, Blue/Purple, Blue/Black, Red, Red/Blue, Red/Green, Red/Black, Black, Black/Yellow, Black/Red, Black/White
Height Range (adult)3' 8” - 4' 10”
Weight Range (adult)50-105 lbs
Size CategorySmall
Base Movement Speed30 ft
Swim Speed30 ft
Burrow Speed (if applicable)15 ft

Relevant history

Galactic historical records relevant to the Samakoel

  • 4,834,400,636: Out of the fiery explosion of Kajen's birth, Samak is born
  • 4,937,674,646: The planets of the Samak star system are formed by Qijen, the planetary smith
  • 4,937,686,228: Planetary oceans in the Samak star system are formed by Namu, Sura of the seas
  • 5,162,000,308: Samak begins to drift back towards the Galactic Core
  • 5,310,250,992: Fungal and plant life spread to the Samak star system
  • 5,310,255,260: Animal life spreads to the Samak star system
  • 5,508,497,665: The Samakoel awaken in the Samak star system
  • 5,924,646,097: The Samakoel develop spoken language
  • 5,925,834,450: The Samakoel develop written language
  • 5,931,467,289: The Samakoel achieve planetary unity
  • 5,987,208,638: The Samakoel discover ki manipulation
  • 6,201,337,401: The Samakoel discover gravitational ki manipulation
  • 6,263,717,058: The Samakoel embark on their first interplanetary expedition
  • 6,265,266,463: The Samakoel establish their first interplanetary settlement
  • 6,283,802,011: The Samakoel embark on their first interstellar expedition to Alut'a
  • 6,284,833,154: The Samakoel establish their first interstellar settlement on Pahre

Randomly generating characteristics

You may wish to randomly generate the physical characteristics of your character. To do so, you may use the following formulas

Age3d6 + 7 years
Height3d6 + 38 inches
Weight(4d6 x 3) + 35 lbs
Sex1d6, evens/odds
Sub-species1d6, evens/odds

Eye Color: Roll 3d6 and use the table below

Dice ValueEye Color

Skin Color: Roll 3d6 and use the table below to determine your skin coloration

Dice ValueSkin coloration
wiki/samakoel.txt · Last modified: 2023/04/23 19:08 by caleymccready