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Pronunciation: (CREW-bai)
Homeworld: Crhubal
Empire: Crhubain realms

The Crhubai are a proud species of warriors, hunters, and explorers. On their homeworld, their society is structured into clans, and has a strict honor code governing behavior in both war and peacetime

Physical description

Crhubai Druid Crhubai have human torsos and chiseled facial features. Their hairline extends halfway down their back. Since their code requires that their hair not be cut, many Crhubai braid or gather up this hair. These braids can extend down well past the stomach in older Chrubai. Their ears are deer like, slightly larger than human ears, covered in fur, and typically have darker markings along the outer edge. Some sub-types of Crhubai have horns or antlers protruding from the head or forehead, which appear on both genders

From the waist down, the Crubai have ungulate bodies, four legs, and hooves. These lower bodies exhibit a wide array of features. These features are detailed in the Sub-species sub-section. All Crhubai have five chambered stomachs for digesting plant matter

Art by John Latta


The Crhubai have good relations with many of the other species of the Ardemare galaxy due to their strict code of honor, which requires honesty when dealing with allies and honorable enemies. Most see the Crhubai as reliable and predictable. Not all view the Crhubai favorably, particularly those who are or have been enemies of the Crhubai empire


Some of the clans are more nomadic and some even take jobs as mercenaries. Apart from this, there are many reasons why a Crhubai would leave their clan. Pilgrimages are common and several are explicitly to be taken alone, especially when a young Crhubai comes of age. Journeys of self-discovery and temporary exile are both prescribed by the Crhubai Code


Crhubai are grouped into two general categories: Aven and Udda. The most obvious differnce between the sub-species is size and the sub-type characteristices they exhibit.. Within these groupings there are three sub-types


Aven (AY-ven) Crhubai are the smaller of the two sub-species. Their torsos and overall build are slighter, and their lower bodies can resemble antelopes, bison, or deer. Aven recieve a different bonus based on their sub-type, noted under Variant Bonus. Antelope subtypes have two horns protruding up and back which can be curved in several ways. Bison subtypes have short horns that are curved and can face forward or back. Deer have antlers which do not shed but grow more slowly. In all three subtypes, both genders have horns or antlers

Aven species traits

Hit Point Formula: Res + 3d6
Natural Grace: +2 Dexterity, +1 Intellgence, +1 Resolve
Medium: +1 bonus to grapple maneuvers against smaller targets
Movement Speed: 35 feet
Quadraped: Advantage on defensive actions against trip manuevers and on Balance checks
Alert: Gain Perception as a Skill Focus at level 1
Variant Bonus:

  • Antelope: 5 foot bonus to Movement Speed
  • Bison: +1 bonus to Hit Dice
  • Deer: Athletics as a Skill Focus at level 1

Aven physical characteristics

Life Exp.85-110 years
Adulthood10-15 years
DietPlants, Dairy, Water
SexesF, M
Eye ColorsBlack, Brown, Green, Blue, Grey
Hair ColorBlack, Brown, Blond, Red, White
Fur ColorPatterns of Light Brown, Grey, Dark Brown, White
Skin ColorFlesh tones from very dark to very pale
Height Range (adult)5' 10” - 6' 5”
Weight Range (adult)550-1100 lbs
Size CategoryMedium
Base Movement Speed35 ft
Swim Speed20 ft
Burrow Speed (if applicable)15 ft


Udda (OO-dah) Crhubai are the larger of the two sub-species. Their torsos and overall build are larger, and their lower bodies can resemble camels, horses, or rhinocerouses. The Udda do not have horns, but do have the extended hairline down the back

Udda species traits

Hit Point Formula: Res + 3d6 + 2
Powerful Build: +3 Strength, -1 Intelligence, +2 Resolve
Large: +2 bonus to grapple maneuvers against smaller creatures, +2 size bonus to BDB when defending against all other manuevers, -1 penalty to Stealth
Movement Speed: 30 feet
Quadraped: Advantage on defensive actions against trip manuevers and on Balance checks
Variant Bonus:

  • Camel: Wilderness survival as Focus Skill at level 1, Advantage on checks against disease or poison
  • Horse: 5 foot bonus to Movement Speed
  • Rhinoceros: +1 bonus to Hit Dice

Udda physical characteristics

Life Exp.85-100 years
Adulthood10 years
DietPlants, Dairy, Water
SexesF, M
Eye ColorsBlack, Brown, Green, Blue, Grey
Hair ColorBlack, Brown, Blond, Red, White
Fur ColorTan, Brown, Black, Red, White, Palomino
Skin ColorFlesh tones from very dark to very pale
Height Range (adult)7' 6” - 9' 3”
Weight Range (adult)800-1600 lbs
Size CategoryLarge
Base Movement Speed30 ft
Swim Speed20 ft
Burrow Speed (if applicable)15 ft

Randomly generating characteristics

You may wish to randomly generate the physical characteristics of your character. To do so, you may use the following formulas

Sub-type: Roll 1d6 and use the table below

Dice ValueSub-speciesVariant type

General characterstics

Age3d6 + 15 years
Aven Height1d6 + 59 inches
Uddr Height3d6 + 90 inches
Aven Weight(5d6 x 15) + 475 lbs
Uddr Weight(6d6 x 20) + 680 lbs
Sex1d6, evens/odds

Eye Color: Roll 3d6 and use the table below

Dice ValueEye Color

Hair Color: Roll 2d6 and use the table below

Dice ValueHead Hair Color

Aven Fur Color

  • Antelope: Tan with black and white markings
  • Bison: Brown coat rearward, light brown shaggy coat forward
  • Deer: Roll 1d6. Evens: Grey-brown coat with white markings. Odds: Red-brown coat with white spots

Uddr Fur Color: Roll 1d6 and use the table appropriate for your sub-type


Dice ValueFur Color
1-2Light brown coat with brown markings
3Black coat with grey markings
4-5Red coat with dark brown markings
6White coat with grey markings


Dice ValueFur Color
6Spotted mix, roll twice to determine colors


Dice ValueSkin Color
1-2Pale grey leathery skin
3-4Grey leathery skin
5Dark Grey Leathery skin
6Wooly coat, roll the horse table to determine fur color

Skin Color: Roll 3d6 and use the table below

Dice ValueSkin Color
3-4Very pale skin
5Pale skin
6Pale skin with freckles
7-8Light skin
9Light skin with freckles
10-11Medium skin
12Medium skin with freckles
13-14Dark skin
15Dark skin with freckles
16-18Very dark skin
wiki/crhubai.txt · Last modified: 2020/04/30 16:09 by caleymccready